Ouachita Parish
Total of 633 square miles
391,035 acres of land
13,930 acres of water = 3.5%
Population= 142,191 in 56,300 households
Latitude- 32.48 degrees North
Longitude- 92.16 degrees West
Geography of Ouachita
Frank Hoffmann:
Republican member of the House of
representative in Louisiana.
Known as a legislative opponent of abortion. Joseph A. Biedenharn:
was an American businessman
man who invented the bottling
of the soda fountain drink Coca-Cola
in 1894
Famous people
of Ouachita
Frank Hoffmann:
is a republican member of
the Louisiana House of Representative.
Sam Little:
is a former member of the Louisiana
House of Representative.
Politicians of Ouachita
The first people to step foot on Ouchatia Parish was the Europeans in 1541. Ouachita was an expedition of the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. The French settlers came to Ouachita around 1720. Aljandro O'Reilly claimed Ouchita Parish for Spain in 1769. A large group of the parish was taken, and only 110 people lived there after. Juan Filihiol found the first European outpost in 1785. It was called Fort Miro and became a city in 1805. In 1819, it was renamed to Oauchita Post and soon grew so big that it later was named Monroe. The first railroad bridge to be built across the Ouachita river was made in 1883. The Monroe natural gas field was discovered in 1916. This is why Monroe was the natural gas capital of the world for some time.
History of
Natural gas,
Ouachita parish High-school,
Ouachita parish school board,
and Monroe City school system
Home of the Robertson family (Duck Dynasty).
The Ouachita are known for their traditional practice of burying horses.
Ouachita Products
Ouachita Culture