Buddhism/Hinduism Prezi Project by: Johnna Haymes
hindus believed that people are born wanting four basic things.
- pleasure
- success
- dharma
- moksha
similarities of both religions
- Hinduism : came from India and is their major religion for more than 2,500 year's.
Buddha main idea
hinduisms flexibility or ability to adapt aided the spread of it.
- They also did not organize groups to worship together which also made them flexible
- They also had Hindu Sects that attracted people towards Hinduism.
- people followed both religions
- effected peoples away of living
- taught lessons to people
The Buddha gives up a life of wealth to search for truth and gain spiritual wisdom
Differences between both reigions
Hinduisms main idea
- buddhism religion based on the teachings of Siddhertha Gautama an Indian spiritual leader
- Hinduism is the major region of India
Hinduism has spread to to countries throughout the world