Categories in Visual Arts
REALISTA es la representación naturalista de la materia. (Null)
is a representation with no subject matter. The lines, forms, shapes, colors, textures become more important. (Null)
Es una representación sin contenido. Las líneas, formas, colores, texturas cada vez más importantes
ABSTRACTA shows the subject matter that can be seen but has changed, usually to meet the expressive needs of the artist.
Images can be placed in unusual ways. (Null)
Muestra el tema que se puede ver, pero cambiado, por lo general para satisfacer las necesidades expresivas del artista. Las imágenes pueden ser colocados de forma inusual
Three Musicians
Musiciens aux masques
Summer 1921
Oil on canvas
200.7 x 222.9 cm
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
7 Art Elements
LINE is the path of a moving point that defines the edges of shapes and forms (Null)
Artes Visuales
“SHAPE is the area enclosed by a line” (Null)
Based on Janelle Nule, Art Instructor
B.A./M.A. Kearney State University - Kearney, NE
Schneider Adams, Laurie
A History of Western Art
Fourth Edition
Es el camino de un punto móvil que define los bordes de formas y figuras
"La forma es la zona delimitada por una línea, dos dimensiones (geométrica y orgánica)"
* Elementos del arte
* Principios del arte
* Categorías
Steve Magada,
1966, Oil,
Location Unknown
Burial of Pierrot by Henri Matisse, 1947, 16"x25", Stencil Print, Escole des Beaux Arts, Paris
Schneider Adams, Laurie
A History of Western Art
Fourth Edition
Assembly of Sea Forms by Barbara Hepworth, 1972, marble with stelel base,.
“VALUE is the lightness or darkness of a surface, often referred to when SHADING.” (Null)
COLOR: Combinación de propiedades y cualidades del pigmento en posibilidades de aglutinación y de aplicación técnica en la pintura.
Tropical Jewels
Robert Wood,
22" x 20"
Art: Independence Community College
Null, Janelle B.A./M.A. Art Apreciation,
Last update, Oct 2002
ArtLex: Art Dictionary
Schneider Adams, Laurie
A History of Western Art
Fourth Edition
Claridad u oscuridad de una superficie
Es el grado alto y bajo que existe en el color
Value of Gray
FORMS are tridimensional, ocupy space or give that illusion (Null)
Schneider Adams, Laurie
A History of Western Art
Fourth Edition
Tea Time by Jen Metzinger, 1911, Oil, 30"x28", Philadelphia Museum of Art
Emphasis because of the different elements.
El énfasis debido a los diferentes elementos
CONTRAST is a big change in an element of art to create interest, without it a design would be monotonous. Bright vs. dull color, large vs. small shapes, etc.
Principles of Art
SPACE is the illusion of objects having depth on the 2-dimensional surface. Lineal and aerial perspective are used. (Null)
Medio donde se representan y ubican las formas planiméticas o volumétricas
Visual emphasis by contrast of forms
Énfasis visual por el contraste de las figura
The art elements are planned and organized according to the design principles.
Art principles became rules o laws for the artist at the time he is creating. (Null)
Movement is the arrangement of elements to create a sense of direction. (Null).
EMPHASIS is the focal point or point of interest within a composition. Importance given to an area or areas by contrast. (Null)
It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
BALANCE is the feeling of equilibrium among the elements, sense of being comfortable. (Null)
Estabilidad de fuerzas y elementos opuestos luchando por compensarse mutuamente.(simetría o asimetría)
The Carnival
Winslow Homer,
1836-1910, Oil, 20"x30",
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Es la Relación de contrarios que intervienen entre la unidad y la variedad al ser representados con sus características formales y sus valores tonales, cromáticos o Lumínicos.
Fur covered Cup, Saucer and Spoon, Meret Oppenheim,1936
Still Life with Apples & Peaches" by Paul Cezanne, 1905, Oil, 32"x39", National Gallery of Art, D.C
Pemaquid Point
Gerald Brommer,
watercolor, 14"x20"
Center Stage
Jeff Owns,
It is linked to movement as the viewer’s eye is carried through the composition
PATTERN is the use of elements in planned or various repetitions. We can find it in nature, in art.
They increase visual interest by enriching surface appeal. (Null)
“TEXTURE is the ACTUAL surface feel of an area or the SIMULATED appearence of roughness, smoothness, or others”. (Null)
Numbers in Color,
Jasper Johns, 1930,
Encaustic and newpaper on canvas,
66"x49", Albright Knox Art Gallery, NY
El patrón es el uso repetido de los elementos.
Se aumenta el interés visual
Liberation of the Peon, Diego Rivera, 1931, Philadelphia Museum of Art
At the Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1893-95, Oil, Art Institute of Chicago
UNITY is the visual sense of oneness. Each element of art is arranged to contribute to the composition. Not so much variety (chaos), not so much order (boredom). (Null)
"Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh, 1889, Oil, 29"x36", Museum of Modern Art, NY
"Street Music”
Margo Hoff,
acrylic and collage, 6'x10'4"
"Annapolis Excursion”
Frank Webb, watercolor, 25"x22