- Colorado Pikeminnow (endangered specie) carnivore.
- Roundtail chub, carnivore.
Bear (second level consumer)
Deer (first level consumers)
- Algae. They can be used as indicators of water pollution.
Symbiotic relationship
Mutualism between algae and fungi, they made lichen.
Toad (first level consumer)
Bird (second level consumer)
Razorback Sucker
The environmental disturbance that is placing species on the Colorado river in danger is the construction of mainstreams in the river. Also, the overfishing got a important paper in disturbances of this ecosystem.
Squirrel (first level consumer)
Specie Endangered
The razorback sucker is a specie critically endangered. There are 5,000 razorback suckers approximated.
The primary causes of this problem are that the Colorado River has changed with the constructions of mainstreams, the environment changed and other species adapted to it, but the razorback sucker do not.
To solve the problem...
Evidence that supports that razorback sucker is endangered
The Bureau of Reclamation took the lead in forming a multi-agency Native Fish Work Group. Each year biologists take razorback sucker larvae at the spawning areas, the larvae is holding in a laboratory for three weeks until they reach one inch in length, then they are stocked into predator-free isolated rearing coves around the lake. When the fish are between 8 and 12 inches they are released into the lake.
Many government institutions, such as the U.S. Department of the interior, had declared that the razorback sucker is endangered after the detection of larval razorback sucker, which was believed to have been missed from the Great Canyon since the 1990s.
As individuals we can promote the conservation of this specie by publishing on social media what is happening with the razorback sucker.
The impact of species loss in the ecosystem if this species no longer exist will be minimum, this fish was a excellent food back in the years, but now they are only few individuals of this specie, this does not mean that we have to let this specie disappear, we have to care about the biodiversity.
Fish (first level consumer)
The razorback sucker lives in warm water with low-velocity runs, deep runs, backwaters, and flooded off-channel. They reproduce during high spring flows.