The Tory
- Conservative
- Defeated Napoleon
- Large unemployement
- Reactionary policies
Corn Laws
- Stoped importation of foreign grains
- Helped the aristocracy
- Increased the cost of bread
- Protests by the poor and unemployed
Peterloo Massacre
- Liberal demonstrators demanded repeal of Corn Laws
Six Acts of Parliament
- Reaction to Peterloo
- Repressive measures that targeted liberalism
- Gave authorities more power
The Cato Street Conspiracy
- Radicals plotted to blow up the entire British cabinet
- Discredited government and brought down the Tories
See a pattern?
- Gundpowder Plot 1605
- Margaret Thatcher 1980s
Coercion Acts
- Suspended Habeas Corpus
- Limited the freedom of the press and public meetings
Constitutional Monarchy
Followed charter/constituion of the Restoration period
- limited royal power
- granted legislative powers
- protected civil rights
- upheld the Napoleonic Code
Wanted unify the French
New elections resulted in ultra-royalists being rejected in favor of moderate royalists
Moved government to the right
Electoral laws restricted the wealth
Censorship imposed
Liberals driven out
Austria and Germanies
- Reduced German states from 300 to 39
- Purpose of the German Confederation was to guarantee the independence of the remaining states
- Prussia
- Aggressive
- Expansionist
- Liberals looked to as leader of German liberty due to government reforms
- Reforms were targeted towards improving efficiency of the government
Junkers followed
Carlsbad Decrees
Attempted to end liberals and nationalists
Europe in Crisis (1815-1833)
Repression, Reform, Revolution
What prompted the crisis?