Blood Clot
The Great Basin Tribes
The Paiutes
- The Paiutes lived in Utah were the Great Basin and the Colorado Plateau meet
- Mainly hunter-gatheres although they also practiced some iiragation agriculture.
- The Paiute social organization was based on the family
- The supernatural world of the Paiutes revolved around teh Wolf and the Coyote.
The Utes
- Lived on vast territory in Colorado and parts of Utah
- Ute means "land of the sun"
- lived in bark covered teepees
- The Ute's religious beliefs were based in natures and animals serving as the central deities
- They were respectful of the environment
By: Sean Hutton, Jose Fontes, and Jacob Williams
The Bannock
- Lived in what is now southeastern Oregan and Southern Idaho
- Thrived on fish and small game
- They fished with harpoons and hand nets
- They associated alot with the Northern Shoshone
The Shoshone
- Relied on hunting and gathering
- Hunted buffalo, antelope, marmot, beaver, deer, elk, and fox and ate berries and nuts
- The Shoshone were very nomadic and had limited bleongings and temporary shelters
- Shoshone artists are known for their beadwork, weaving, and paintings on tanned hides
- Forced from home during the Trail of Tears and led to Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho
General Information
- The tribes included the Shoshone, the Bannock, the Ute, and the Paiute
- The Great Basin families were nomrally "kin cliques" which consisted of a man, a women, and their children.
- The tribes used primitive tools and weapons such as bows and arrows, stone knifes, and digging sticks
- The Great Plains were a region of extreme temperatures
- In all the Great Basin tribes men and women could become shaman.