GDP: $2.48 Trillion dollars
Education expenditures: 5% GDP
Health Expenditures: 9% GDP
Investment rate: 19.3% ofGDP
Savings rate: 17.2% of GDP
Per Capita Income: $ 16,414.00 (2009)
GINI index: 55.1%
Inflation: 6.5%
Unemployment rate: 5.8%
National Minimum Wage: U.S. $ 622.00
External debt: $ 271 billion
Basic Interest Rate Central Bank (Selic): 8% a year
Main Industries:
- Main agricultural products: coffee, oranges, sugar cane (sugar and ethanol), soybeans, tobacco, corn, mate.
- Major livestock products: beef, chicken, porkMajor minerals produced iron, aluminum, manganese, magnesite and tin.
Key service industries:
telecommunications, trucking, technical and professional services provided to companies, freight transportation, building cleaning and home care, information technology, aviation and power.
- Strong agriculture sector
- 6th Largest GDP in the world
- Competitive Commodity market & industry
- Heavily invested in Renewable energy
- Broad consensus among the political class and the business sector on macroeconomic policy orientation
- Parallel financial system
- The entrepreneurial spirit of Brazil
- Under developed infrastructure
- Volatile economy and prone to severe recessions
- Lack of government rigid enforcement on environmental laws
Huge gab between rich and poor
- A changing business climate
- The perceived political stability
- Growing middle class
- Substantial investment in IT
- Highly dependent on Exports
Destruction of Rain forest
Language: Portuguese
Population density: 22.4 hab./km2
Demographic growth: 1.17% per annum
Median Age: 29.3 years
Labor force: 104 millions
Literacy: 88.6%
Leading to
Global Warming
Threat of weak
War on drugs
El cartel
Discovery of world largest
oil reserve
the Olympian of foods
SWOT Analysis
Alia Jaentschke 98305028
Erdenebat Togoo 98305030
Bambara Charles 99303041
Maisa Bom Jesus 99305026
Clement Paliniewicz 101300128
Brazil, the Olympian of Foods
- Lack of government rigid enforcement on environmental laws
- Low rate of savings
- The educational deficit
- The blackout of labor
- Under developed infrastructure
- Corruption
- Volatile economy and prone to severe recessions
- Crime rate
- Renewable energy
- Broad consensus among the political class and the business sector
- Increasing labor force
- Parallel financial system
- Entrepreneurial spirit of Brazil
- Strong Agriculture sector
- Land Extension
- Natural Resources
- Young and large population
- 6th largest economy in the world
- Strong commodity industry
- Interstate stability
- QE3
- High Inflation
- Highly dependent on Exports
- Threat of weak neighbors
- War on drugs: El cartel
- Destruction of rainforest
- Global Warming
- Hosting the Olympics games and FIFA world cup
- The perceived political stabilityBeing a BRIC country
- Growing middle class
- Increased trade with China
- Substantial investment in IT
- Discovery of world largest oil reserve
(cc) image by anemoneprojectors on Flickr
- Alia Jaentschke 98305028
- Erdenebat Togoo 98305030
- Bambara Charles 99303041
- Maisa Bom Jesus 99305026
- Clement Paliniewicz 101300128