- Thamaga pottery manager & workers
- Thamaga community
- UFISA lecturers
- UFISA personel
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Ståhlbröst, A., Bergvall-Kåreborn, B. (2011). Exploring users motivation in innovation communities. Int J. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. Vol. 14, No. 4.
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Ahmed, S. M; and Palermo, A. S; 2010; Community Engagement in Research: Frameworks for Education and Peer Review. American Journal of Public Health. Retrieved from on May 2013.
ITK and NRI. 2007. Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities: A Guide for Researchers. Scot Nickels, Jamal Shirley, and Gita Laidler (eds). Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Nunavut Research Institute: Ottawa and Iqaluit. 38 pp
Thamaga Pottery:
Stakeholders and Community
- Only one production worker involved
Stakeholder sorting
- Only one person present at a time
Focus group
Future Works
- Challenges with Youth, Workers, Volunteers & Kgotla
- Visibility
Facebook Page creation and maintenance
4-8 hrs/month
- Closing the gap between generations1. Website for pattern testing on pottery designs
- 2. Club Competition in community schools for pottery pattern designing and promotion of pottery designing in the community schools (Facebook Photos & details)
- 3. Website for placing orders and online purchasing
- 4. Instagram profiles cataloging Pottery to attract youth from outside and tourists
- 5. Mobile app magazine promoting the different pottery and the style
The Research and Design Process
Analysis and Comparison
of Data
Challenge Ranking
No Assumption are allowed
Campaigns & Competitions:
Fun, status, prizes
Online presence and campaigns the most popular choices
The Customer aspect
The Facebook Page
A Research is a repeatable process
- Focus group
- Storyboard
- Expression Prototyping
- Manager
- Sales manager
- Workers
- Interns
- Youth & community members
- Interviews
- Observing
- Shareholder sorting
Service Design
Service designers use methods where the user is enabled and has the power to influence a service design process. Co-design work is carried out on a regular basis and new innovative methods are developed to allow inclusion, creativity and engagement (Statu Miettinen, 2013).
User Centered Service Design
Co-Designing process with Youth from the Community
Ddamba Joshua
Kykkänen Joonas
1. Story Boards with youth
- The business not making profit.
- Decline in tourist visitation.
- Youth not interested in the business
- Low morale of workers and board members.
Thamaga Pottery
2. Fun & Games in Interview
3. Rewards for Participation
1. Explore the Thamaga community environment and its ecosystem.
2. Identify the stakeholders.
3. Identify the appropriate research method
4. Identify appropriate tools for gathering data :- Shareholder sorting, focus groups, storyboards
5. Identify challenges in the relationships between stake holders
6. Improve visibility :- Co-creation of an online presence as a solution
Customer or User centered
4. Observation of work Process with the youth
Though statistical customer description is important, a true understanding of habits culture, social context and motivation of users is crutial. We need to put the customer at the center of the service design process. This requires a genuine understanding of the customer beyond mere statistical description and empirical analyses of their needs (Marc Stickdorn, 2011).
Current Key Issues
- No advertising to take the business to the people (no Visibility )
- The workers are scared of voicing there views
- They are all elderly and they are the only ones with the skills
- The Community observes tourist(from abroad ) think it is a tourist place not for locals
- Volunteers and youth want to be paid if there are sales or no sales
- Communication between the workers and management
- The Board never meets
- kgotla never hears from the board so decisions and never made
Thamaga pottery was established by women from a village of Thamaga. It was established as a way for women who remained behind to earn money when there husbands wen to the mines in Botswana and south Africa.
Thamaga pottery has existed for 20 years and since inception it has had a struggle to generate enough money to sustain it. It gets a bit of funding from several organizations , LEA , Bots GRN, and the US.
1. Board - elected by the community at the kgotla
2. kgotla - the chiefs and the elders
3. LEA - offers them training
4. American Organization - sponsors them once in a while
5. Clay Supplier - from where they buy there clay
6. Community at large - People from the village
- To motivate the Thamaga youth to partake in the business.
- To help come up with new designs.
- To help improve the business profits.
Co-Creation & Co-Designing
Engage customer into Co-creative Process with the designer
>> Empower the user with skill to continue development on their own
Engage customer into Co-Design Process
>> Engage the customer into Co-design Process and the development is driven by the designer
Sample Products