To finish
- Process is voluntary, confidential and non-judgemental.
- Purpose is to support teacher development through feedback.
- Not a Big Brother compliance tool.
- Can access profiling without working with ESCM coach.
Essential Skills for Classroom Management Coach and
Classroom Profiling
Q and A
How do I book a session?
- There will be a digital diary for you to check availability.
- Email me with time and location.
- I will respond to confirm.
- Profiling is available to anyone, regardless of your existing coaching relationship.
- Can be best or worst class.
How is Classroom Profiling done?
Profile data is broken into two sections:
Flow Sheet
- Practices teachers employ from the moment the students enter to the time they leave.
Frequency Sheet
- Preventative and reactionary strategies a teacher might use to manage situations that occur.
- Student behavior and interactions.
- Process shows how different classrooms require different strategies.
- Without data, reflection tends to be subjective and focused on things we can't control.
- Thoughts from staff involved.
Why should I do it and how does it benefit me?
If you don't know what you are doing, you can't change.
- Moral obligation to improving learning and student outcomes.
- Assist teachers in maximizing 'curriculum talk' in the classroom by limiting need for 'behaviour talk'.
- Positively reaffirm good practice, increasing motivation and highlighting skill range.
Essential Skills for Classroom Management Coaching Role
What is the process?
1 session =
- 30 minute profiling session.
- Data is photocopied once for profiler to summarize data in preparation of reflection session.
- Teacher keeps original profile.
- 30 minute reflection session booked for day following profile.
The more profiles completed the more accurate and useful the data becomes for the teacher and the clearer their practice becomes to them.
So how many can I do?
- Grown out of Essential Skills for Classroom Management.
- ESCM's underpin Classroom Profiling.
- Allows us to see how ESCM's are being used and the effects that they have on students.
What is Classroom Profiling?
Classroom Profiling is a confidential, non-judgemental, voluntary process that enables a teacher to reflect on the learning environment and teaching strategies they employ. Through profiling and reflection sessions a teacher is able to make decisions about their own practice based on presented data and make necessary adjustments to their own teaching.
The purpose of this position is to assist staff in their development and progression through the relevant behavior management domains of the AITSL Standards.
To achieve this goal this coaching role has two main facets: ESCM Coach and Classroom Profiler.
- Coaching will involve working closely with those staff that have identified this as a development goal in their APDP.
- Profiling is a tool that will be used to facilitate reflection and assist the development of all staff.
Today's Session
Where does my data end up and what happens if I have a bad lesson?
- You own your data.
- Profiling confidentiality.
- 'Bad lesson' is for you to reflect on.
- Addressing concerns
- What is Classroom Profiling?
- What is the process?
- Why should I engage with it and how does it benefit me?
- How is Classroom Profiling done?
- How do I book a session?
- Q & A
The 'Profiler' doesn't even teach in my subject area.
- Not there to judge.
- Curriculum irrelevant.
- Process is dynamic and adaptable.
Addressing Concerns
Staff not comfortable with being told someone is coming into their classroom.
What gives the 'Profiler' the right to judge what goes on in my classroom?
- Not there to judge, just record.
- Lesson type/flow doesn't matter.
- Focus not just on teachers.
- Data capture.