South Africa: Pre-Apartheid to Post-Apartheid
Post- Apartheid
- Nelson Mandella becomes first president elected under new government (Democracy)
- Living bans are removed: Whites and blacks mixed in neighborhoods
- Blacks still have a higher number in the unemployment rate-only way to "win" it is to deepen the Democracy
During Apartheid
- Segregation was forced: 1948-1994
- Developed after WWII by the Afrikaner-dominated national party
- Segregation began in the colonial times under the Dutch rule
- 4 groups: Black, White, Coloured, and Indian
- Indian and Coloured had subgroups
- Segregated basically everything, education, medical care, and gave blacks inferior services (Pass laws)
- Nelson Mandella is in prison
- Sparked internal resistance and violence: uprisings, and protests began
- Made it difficult for government
- 1990: Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end the Apartheid
- Apartheid abolished in 1990...all laws had been changed by then.
Pre- Apartheid
- Many ethnic groups: Conflict dominated South African history
- 1652: Dutch East India Company sets up permanent settlement in Table Bay (Southeastern tip of South Africa)
- Dutch's power waned in the 19th century when the British came and wanted to control the Cape
- War broke out: Anglo-Boer with British, and British with Zulus