Dave Chase
Twitter/LinkedIn/Gmail/Calendly: chasedave
TEDx: http://bit.ly/TEDxChase
Support The Big Heist: http://www.bigheistmovie.com/give
Book recommendations:
- Catastrophic Care by David Goldhill
- Unaccountable by Dr. Marty Makary
Middle Class in Economic Depression Longer than The Great Depression
98% of Digital Health Ventures are Zombies
Healthcare's "Fair Trade"
- Visible price
- Bundled price
- Safety culture
- Staff treatment
- Ethics & PROs
- Data liquidity
The 2% understand/exploit healthcare's idiosyncrasies without being shackled by them
Key to success: Clever biz model/GTM reflecting new market dynamics
50% of Millennials' $3.8M Lifetime Earnings Slated to Go to Healthcare
Seismic Event:
ERISA Fiduciary Duty Comes to Healthcare
Forbes: "The Amazing Power Of Deflationary Economics For Health"
The Wise Turn Black Swans White
One theme pervasive in all my thinking about investing in Internet-based companies: Deflationary economics. And it’s something I think you ought to consider when building your Internet businesses. – Mark Suster
Dave Chase
Founder: Health Rosetta Institute
Executive Producer: The Big Heist
Twitter/LinkedIn/Gmail/Skype: chasedave