Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (or sometimes abbreviated Sgt. Pepper) was the eighth studio album that the Beatles released. The album included such international hits like “With a Little Help from My Friends”, “A Day in the Life”, and “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”. Sgt. Pepper spent a total of 27 weeks at the top of the UK Album Chart and 15 weeks as number one in the US’s Billboard 200. Not only is this album considered to be the best album that the Beatles have ever created; it is often referred to the greatest rock album ever made. There was even a movie that was based off of this album. Sgt. Pepper was the Beatles first album to feature the “psychedelic rock” style. This album also featured a wide variety of musical styles, including rock and roll, pop, music hall, and even traditional Indian music. It has sold over a total of 11 million units just in the US and received four Grammy Awards in 1968.
The internet has had many effects on the music
industry and is probably one of the
biggest things to happen to music in a good way and a bad way. The internet was invented
in 1969 and has grown in every way since then. The internet gave us a bunch of websites like
limewire, frostwire, napster, etc. where we could go and find music and download it for free.
It gave us thousands of music websites where we can go and listen to music and critique the
music. The internet has brought us many ways to go out and listen to any type of music we like.
The song “Rappers Delight” has become to be known as the start of hip-hop. It was
created in 1979 and was the first hip-hop single to go platinum. The song made hip-hop cool
for people to listen to. The group that made the song was called the Sugarhill Gang. The
members consisted of “Big Bad Hank” Jackson, Mike Wright, and “Master Gee” O’Brien. The
length of the original song was 14:37 but the song was compressed to 4:55. The song was
created to blast hip-hop off and it did exactly that with the single “Rappers Delight”. Now hip-
hop is one of the biggest music genres today.
The End
History of Rock and Roll Time Line
"Rapper's Delight
group 3
Muddy Waters
Muddy Waters Switch to Electric Guitar
Muddy Waters is one of must famous blues players in the history of blues he was
raised by his grandma and he worked on a cotton farm. He moved to Chicago and that’s
when he really got into the blues. He was the first guitar players to change his style of
sound by switching to electric guitar, also had the best band. Witch changed the sound
of blues. And he was named the first lasting “Rock Stars”.
Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley is important because he was able to bring the African American sound to a wider
audience and he popularized the whole Rockabilly idea. Rockabilly was a mix of country with Rhythm
and Blues. He lived in a family that had a fair bit of trouble with money, but for a present for his mom,
he decided to record some songs he liked. He had the sound that Sam Phillips, owner of Sun Records,
was looking for. He later went on with his career, managed by Coronel Tom Parker, who made him into
what he was before he ended up dying.
African slave'S music
Monterey Pop Festival
Back in the 1800 when African slaves were sent to New Orleans. When they
came to America they brought their culture with them. Most of the time slaves would
sing songs to past the time. It was a part of their daily life and it was largely improvised.
Slaves would add in to other songs. And some of their owners would even let them an
area called the Congo Square to meet other slaves and see their family. That would
lead to culture evolve. It was just like a big festival with music and dancing. Soon their
music would mix with their owner’s music.
The Monterey pop festival is important in that it was the first concert to pretty much give
an outline of concerts to come. It lasted for three days in June from the 16 th to the 18th in 1967. This
was the first concert to be widely publicized and had around up to 55,000 people attending this, even
more on Sunday at the peak of the concert. It was also a concert where everyone performed for free
and all the money made went to charities, except for Ravi who played the sitar. It starred break out
performances for Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, and more..
Invention of the Internet
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band