Chapter 15
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
- Jennings is at the Daily's house. They fed, bought him new clothes, and washed Doggie.
- Mr. Daily was willing to sacrifice his job in order to keep Jennings. Jennings decides this is a good enough to run away.
- Jennings stays at the zoo.
- Sal comes and finds Jennings. Raises him and Gene.
Chapter 14
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
- Jennings & Gene are seperated at Child Welfere office.
- Jennings is beat up my Ronnie as the 'toughest kid.' Jennings fights back and earns respect.
- Kevin is a lifer who is new to homes. Jennnings comforts him.
- Jennings accidentally wet the bed. Mrs. Abbott makes him stand on a table naked with the wet sheet over himself. She beats him and humiliated him in front of the other children.
- Jennings runs away. Meets Officer Daily. Officer Daily takes him to the station and arranges for Jennings to stay at his home for a few days.
Chapter 13
Where is Jennings?
Elmhurst Ave, Apartment 5G
Important Events
- Mrs. Burch is in traction. She has a nurse to care for her, but also is pretty reliant on her sons.
- Larry is back home, but fallen into George's habits of drinking.
- Sal comes home. Has a conversation with Jennings about why he did not come for him after mom's accident.
- Jerome is home.
- Jennings is reunited with Stacy. They spend lots of time together before she moves away.
- Mom takes too many pills and is hospitalized again. Jennings is taken to yet another home.
Chapter 12
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
Chapter 11
- Jennings is sent to a new home. He is number 51.
- He is reunited with Mark. They get along just as well and decide to become 'brothers.'
- Mark falls ill at dinner one day and is not brought back.
- Jennings tries to run away but is stopped. Later told that Mark died of a heart condition.
- Walter comes and picks Jennings up to go back home.
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
Chapter 10
Where is Jennings?
- Sal finds Jennings at the zoo and takes him for breakfast and then back home.
- Sal talks to Mrs. Burch and he is able to see Jennings whenever he can.
- Sal spends lots of time with family. They go to parks, beach, etc.
- Sal takes the family (excluding George) to the convelesant home to see Jerome.
- Jennings learns about his drunken father from Jerome (Jerome knows from Mrs. Burch and Walter.) Mr. Burch and George go out drinking together a lot. The father influences George to dislike Mrs. Burch and Sal because he says bad things about them, and George believes him.
- Sal gets a new job driving a truck and will be gone for a few weeks.
- Mrs. Burch falls down the stairs after trying to fix the antenna and suffers injuries to her back and neck
Important Events
- Family moved to a cheaper apartment.
- Sal is transferred to a new route in the Bronx.
- Larry runs away because he feels like he is bossed around to much.
- Jennings gets blamed for Larry running away.
- Jennings runs away to find Sal. Stays at the Bronx Zoo (sleeping in bushes and scavenging for food) for a few days to wait for him.
Chapter 9
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
- Jennings gets to continue at St. Michaels while staying with the Fraziers. They are extremely rich. They have a son named Donald and a maid named Martha. She takes a particular liking to Jennings.
- George brings doggie and clothes for Jennings.
- Goes fishing with Donald. Jennings catches a striper and Donald catches a sand shark. Donald tricks Jennings into switching catches.
- Sister Gerard gets used clothing from families at school to give to Jennings. The kids pick on him and call him a begger. He is injured and Sal rescues him. Martha makes Mr. Frazier buy him new clothes.
- George picks him up to come home.
Chapter 8
Where is Jennings?
St. Benedict's School; St. Michael's School
Important Events
- Jenning's attends St. B's. Miss Keller is cruel and embarasses him for not knowing different things. Walter comes in and stands up for him.
- Jennings transfers to St. Michaels. Sister Gerard keeps Jennings after school to help him get caught up.
- He must ride a city bus to get to school. He forms a friendship with the driver, Sal.
- He talks to the statue of St. Michael and asks it to be his gaurdian angel.
- Jennings finds a cat. He names it Midnight, but it dies soon after he found it.
- Mom gets pneumonia. Jennings goes to stay with the Frazier family, so he can stay at school.
Chapter 7
Where is Jennings?
Family Apartment on 188th Street; Moves to house on Coolidge Ave in Queens
Important Events
- Jennings returns home. Jerome is also back home from the hospital. They meet and form a friendship very quicky.
- Jennings and Larry are bullied at school for being held back causing Larry to stop going to school.
- George drops out of school to help pay rent so family can move.
- Jerome becomes very ill and is taken away in ambulance.
Chapter 6
Where is Jennings?
They Cage the Animals at Night
Important Events
- Befriends Stevie, who is at the home because of an abusive father. Stevie runs away when he hears his father is coming to pick him up.
- Peter spills his cocoa. Jennings knows he is new and takes blame. Sister Barbara beats Jennings for it. Jennings decided to run away
- He is picked up by the police. Sarge feeds him and brings him back to the orphanage. He also speaks with Sister Barbara about her treatment of Jennings.
- Jennings' mother comes back to pick him up and take him home.
Chapter 5
Where is Jennings?
With family; Apartment 267 on 188th Street
Important Events
- Jennings returns home. Family is not fuctioning well. Stays through Christmas
- Returns to school and notified he would be held back due to absences
- Mom gets sick again. Jennings is taken to St. Teresa's orphanage.
Chapter 4
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
- Jennings returns to HOA, gets sick due to Jello powder. Sister Frances will not allow children to go to Carpenters ever again.
- Stacy goes home. Jennings understands 'no friends' rule
- Sister Claire says goodbye and leaves Doggie with Jennings.
- Mom comes to get Jennings. Mark is extremely upset.
Chapter 3
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
- Arrives and is told to sit at table.
- Doesn't feed him unless it is grey mush.
- Jennings draws at table
- Breaks bowl of grey mush and is beat by Mrs. C.
- Mr. C realizes and threatens to send back.
- Ate Jello Powder and tried to escape. Broke window.
- Mrs. C beats him and Mr. C stopped her and is taking him back.
Jenning's Journey
Chapter 2
Where is Jennings?
Important Events
- Met Stacy. She kissed him
- Bounced of fence.
- Got to ride the bike.
- Butch teased Mark. Jennings defended him. Butch and Jennings fight. Then they became friends.
- Lent out as foster kid to the Carpenters. Doggie must stay at HOA.
Chapter 1
Key events
Mom has dropped him off at an orphanage.
- Jennings is dropped off at Home of the Angels. Mom said she would be right back, but she wasn't. He is given #27.
- He is bullied by Butch.
- He meets a friend named Mark, who teaches him about life in homes.
- The children are given stuffed animals that are taken away and 'caged' while they sleep.
- Sister Francis is mean.
- Jennings shares with Mark. about his brothers.
Jennings wants to go home to his family.
Main Character
Jennings Michael Burch, 8 1/2 year old boy
New York City
The Home of Angels
Late 1940s