So... Is that an art or just a beauty?
Another Art
- L.H.O.O.Q by Du Champs
- Pun
- Attack on the iconic Mona Lisa and traditional art, thus promoting the Dadaism
Definition of Beauty
Subjective (Personal) View
Objective (Shared) View
- Objective approach: beauty is in the object itself and judgments about it may be objectively valid (Shared)
- Subjective approach: beauty lies in the beholder’s eyes – it is just what pleases the observer (Personal)
- Some people: YES!
- Creative
- Expresses the artist's intention
- Unique
- Other people: THAT'S NO NO!
- Irreverence to art
TOK: Art as an AOK
Applying the Definition
- Can they be seen as expression of creative skill?
- Is it fair to call some works as "art"?
- Or are they just some pieces of "junk"?
TOK ART Case Study
Jackson Pollock's Art
Another "Art" Piece...
This is also called an "art" piece
Name: Fountain (1917)
Artist: Marcel Duchamp
What is this..?:
- A porcelain urinal signed "R.Mutt" and titled Fountain
- First displayed in Alfred Stieglitz's studio
- Associated with Dadaism
<Convergence - Random Baby>
<Convergence - Jackson Pollock>
Different Kinds of Art
- Art: very subjective
- Different opinions on "art"
Other Kinds of Art
Definition of Art?
- the expression of creative skill through a visual medium such as painting or sculpture.
- the product of such a process; paintings, drawings, and sculpture collectively.
- the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, and drama.
- subjects of study primarily concerned with human culture (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects)
Way of Knowing
"The artist is a not great creator—Duchamp went shopping at a plumbing store. The artwork is not a special object—it was mass-produced in a factory. The experience of art is not exciting and ennobling—at best it is puzzling and mostly leaves one with a sense of distaste. But over and above that, Duchamp did not select just any ready-made object to display. In selecting the urinal, his message was clear: Art is something you piss on." - philosopher Stephen Hicks
- Does this art provoke people's "emotions"?
- Are emotions important to your understanding of the subject?
- Rationalization: "Fountain" is just a toilet and its an insult to art
- Fallacious Reasoning & Generalization
- Intellectual (involving contemplation)
Area of Knowing
Aristotle: art that shows terrible things is valuable. It allows catharsis (we release
our emotions) and it lets us experience indirectly (vicariously) a range of situations
Plato: art should be ethical. Unethical art that is disgusting or shows bad moral behavior should be banned.
Relativism VS Universalism
Ethical relativism: no kind of action that is
always, everywhere and for everyone right or wrong
- People's beliefs, attitudes, tastes, etc. are significantly affected by their culture - and people in different cultures have very different beliefs, attitudes, tastes, etc.
- Ethical universalism: some (at least one) kind of action that is always, everywhere and for everyone right or wrong.
Personal Connection
- Reason for Choosing: first abstract artwork I encountered in middle school
- Why Do I Like It?:
- Very unique & unconventional
- Not beautiful
- Has intellectual message