Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Welcome to the How to be an online student, asynchronous workshop.
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We're gonna be going over different things in terms of
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resources, tools, things that could be really helpful for you.
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Perhaps if this is your first or second semester in college or if maybe
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perhaps this is your first semester where you might be taking an online class.
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So online tips, some good things to keep in mind when you're taking an online class
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are to communicate with a professor.
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It's really easy to get off track and forget things,
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miss assignments if you don't have good communication,
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so you wanna be able to communicate,
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your professor might have office hours
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perhaps an hour a week. They might have a discussion board for general questions,
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they might say email me between this time and this time.
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So it's a good idea to make sure, you know,
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um how to contact your professor
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also. You want to plan out your weeks.
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for a lot of online classes,
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there will be regularly
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paced out assignments.
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So you might have like assignments that are
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due Tuesday and Thursday or assignments that are
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um given out those days, but they're due on the weekend.
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So depending on how that works,
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make sure that you plan out when it's gonna work for. You
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also know that not all online classes are the same.
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You might have an online class that meets
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online sometimes, but it meets also in person.
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That would be generally a hybrid class.
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You might have a class
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where you have all
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synchronous online zoom meetings.
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So you need to be there for the exact time that those meetings start online.
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But you,
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they'd be in a Zoom link classroom setting and then
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you would turn in all your homework on campus.
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So it's just good to know how your class is set up.
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So you wanna make sure your computer is updated
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so that
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if you have to do anything like pull up canvas, pull up zoom
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that you're able to do that
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and you do, it doesn't tell you, hey,
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Zoom needs to update before you go into this meeting.
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And you're like,
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I just entered this meeting
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and it's starting right now. So you want to make sure you do that beforehand.
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Also, you might wanna consider a physical calendar, a notebook
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or a digital one, whatever works for. You
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just make sure that you have a plan and you
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approach the
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in a way that you're able to
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get everything done and get it done on time.
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So if it's an online class, your class is most likely on campus.
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So to go to campus, you go to
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dot E D U,
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you go to
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online classes slash canvas, which is at the logins at the top of the home page.
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So then to log in to canvas,
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you will put in your user name and password. This is your same login for web advisor.
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You should
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have this login available somehow somewhere
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because you needed it in order to sign up for your classes in the first place.
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If you forgot it, you can pick, forgot password.
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Um You can also reach out to tech services
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if you have a lot of trouble with it.
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So for campus courses, when you log in to canvas,
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you'll see least list of all your courses under courses.
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When you click on courses, you'll be able to go through each one
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and generally a course will have an assignment tab
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with most homework assignments.
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You might have a discussion tab
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for discussion board posts,
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files will have any files that your professor attached to the course that you need.
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And you might have a syllabus tab that you can
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you the syllabus on.
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So it's just good to know how to navigate your course. And it's good to know.
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For example, if your professor organizes everything by modules,
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a lot of times modules be
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organized by week. So if the courses,
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let's say 16 weeks, there might be 16 modules.
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Um not necessarily that that will always be the case, but that is fairly common
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you also have campus calendar built into your campus course.
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Um On the sidebar here, you can click calendar and add things to
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the calendar to kind of remind you
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that's helpful if you want everything digital and everything all
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in one place so that you can log into canvas,
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check out your calendar, then go to your course.
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If you have any issues with canvas, there's a little help tab in campus as well.
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So this is if you have any issues um in terms of
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technical campus support issues.
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So a lot of online courses and hybrid courses
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may use com
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for zoom.
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So com for Zoom is a program
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that you know, allows you to video chat.
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Uh A lot of classes will use this for
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online lectures.
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A lot of courses will use it if your professor has online office hours.
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Um Your professor might also use
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a cranium cafe which is
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similar to com forum,
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but it's not exactly the same.
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So here's how your Zoom controls look like
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when you open a zoom room.
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So when you start a Zoom
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chat, if you're in a big lecture with a lot of other students, it's a good idea to mute.
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Uh As soon as you open, come for Zoom.
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So you can have a mute
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button here next to the stop video button.
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So once you
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uh I'm gonna go back, let me see.
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Once you mute your video
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that makes sure that you're not gonna be interrupting
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your other students or your professor as you're going through the presentation.
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if, uh, you're trying not to talk over anyone,
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you can use your chat function to type out any chat in the window.
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You can also click the video button
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to turn on and turn off your video feed.
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you can also invite people,
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um, for the most part,
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you're not gonna really be inviting people through comfort Zoom
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unless maybe perhaps, you know, one of your classmates
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is late and they're supposed to be here and you know, they're supposed to be here
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and maybe you email them the link to the zoom room so that they can
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enter the lecture.
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But for the most part, you're not gonna be inviting people.
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Um You're mostly gonna be attending meetings, attending your
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professor's office hours or online lectures.
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You can also share a screen to pull up anything.
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Maybe, perhaps if you're supposed to present something
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in a Zoom meeting, then your professor
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might have you share your screen.
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So cranium cafe looks a lot like Zoom.
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It's also a system that you can log into from Crafton Hills dot E D U.
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You go to log ins and then you go to
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uh cranium.
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So you log in the same info as you normally do for web advisor and for campus.
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Um once you log in,
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you'll see that there's different ways to navigate.
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You have your cranium cafe, which is meant to
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be able to view upcoming appointments or schedule online meetings,
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scheduling classrooms are like event meetings usually for larger groups.
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So that's all gonna depend on
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if your professor
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has. You used that or not.
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A lot of professors are still using Comfort Zoom, they might use connected
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as well.
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Um But they will let you know
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uh Comfort Zoom is also how you do
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things like gain access to different departments like
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um emissions records, the tutoring center, D SPS, the care center. And more
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so you're able to navigate that and see what applies to you.
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So you might use creating cafe, it's just good to
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maybe log in at least once
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so that you're in the system, same login as web A visor.
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And then if you need it
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kind of
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play around in it and see what applies to you,
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students support directory is where you will view all the departments.
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So when you're in a cranium cafe meeting, it looks kind of like this,
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you're allowed to share your screen, you can upload documents or Google Docs,
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you can view if anyone is in the cafe lobby.
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Um You can invite others by a link, you can send a chat message,
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you can also mess around with the audio and webcam features.
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If you have any issues with any of that,
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it will also automatically generate captions for the meeting.
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So it's just
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very similar to Zoom in terms of its feature set
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it just takes a little bit of getting used to. So as I said,
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figure out if your class needs it
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and if it does need it,
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maybe review some of those things.
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Also, Microsoft Office 3 65 is free to students to use.
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You can go to um
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this link here
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um the portal office dot com as we have it listed on this page
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and you go from there and then if you provide your craft and ID,
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it'll allow you to get a free version of Microsoft Office 365.
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You may end up choosing to use Google Docs or something instead.
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But this is available to you
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as far as library resources go.
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The library is available
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to all students.
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It's in the L R C building,
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second level computers are available to use and there's also printing,
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you can rent out chromebooks and there's a variety of
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uh books for you to use.
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They offer research assistance
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and a variety of digital resources. Here we have library hours listed.
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Please note that library hours will vary based on the semester.
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This is just our current hours for spring 2023.
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So library digital resources,
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you have things like article databases that you can search up,
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things like Epsco, things like films on demand us, major newspapers
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gel, opposing viewpoints.
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So lots and lots of different sites,
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sites and resources that you can pull up articles,
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newspapers, journals from.
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you just need to know what kind of resources you need for your class and then you can
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use the find the appropriate sources.
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the tutoring center has various resources available to you.
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We have in person tutoring online tutoring.
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Um You can use our books and our computers and we also offer free printing
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note that these hours. This information,
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this is generally what the information is in terms of contact info and hours,
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but this is for spring 2023.
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So this is subject to change depending on the semester.
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And here we have our campus directory.
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Uh a lot of different resources that are available to you
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if you need
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uh help with things like food security,
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uh career services. If you need uh things about
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uh child care. If you need counseling,
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if you have issues with uh your courses, you can see admissions and records.
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If you need certain services,
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then we have other um
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resources for you as well on campus.
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outside resources that are really helpful.
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Uh Khan Academy, pretty
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grammar girl and punctuation guide. Those all have great resources for writing
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uh for format
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and those are all very effective.
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Also, here's our work cited for the presentation.
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Uh You might prefer to this
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so that you can find a lot of these sources.
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Many of them are links to the website
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all in all that's how to be an online student.
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We went through a lot of resources here in this presentation.
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If you'd like to know anything else about any specifics,
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like find your resources about how to format papers, about how to write an essay,
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how to do research,
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then check out
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our other ro um workshops that we plan
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every month and our other asynchronous workshops.
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With that being said, uh Thank you for attending the How to be an online student.