Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Welcome to the Chicago style manual workshop.
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I'll refer to C MS as Chicago style manual,
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Chicago Manual of Style and C MS throughout this presentation.
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First of all, what is C MS C MS stands for Chicago Manual of Style.
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It was made originally for a
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books and journals.
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Chicago notes and bibliographies is a type of C MS style that's used in literature,
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history and the arts.
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Chicago author date
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is AC MS style that is preferred by social sciences.
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As you'll see here,
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they both include a title page with a title author, info, class info.
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The professor's name and date.
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Both styles will
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include preferred fonts of times to Roman or
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Palacio 12 point maximum 10 point minimum,
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usually 12 point times the Roman works just fine.
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You'll double space, all font except for block quotes,
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table titles and figure captions.
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You may include an annotated bibliography at the professor's request.
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So you wanna ask your professor if you need one,
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as we can see, there's a few differences between the two
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for the most part author date style and C
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MS will have Intex citations with the author's name,
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date and page number and we'll have a reference page
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for C MS, notes and bibliographies. You'll have notes
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to cite sources and provide comments,
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notes will be super scripted, which will go over what that is later.
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You'll include a footnote at the bottom of the page.
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You'll include a bibliography page as opposed to a reference page.
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I go all over all those details later on in the presentation.
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So title page,
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as we can see here, the title page
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is 10-12.font.
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It will be capitalized centered and start a third of the way down the page.
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A few lines down, you'll have your author's name, which would be your name.
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You'll have the professor's name,
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you'll have the class information and you'll have the date
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as we see here.
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So heading styles check with your professor if you need heading styles, if you do,
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they might say you only need a level one heading,
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they might say have headings up to 1 to 3.
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Um So just check to see if you need any.
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There's a good chance you may not need
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any headings at all throughout your whole paper.
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which case, that's less work for you.
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If you need headings, here's how the headings look.
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Not that for example, level one headings are centered, bold face
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or italic.
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and they uh have capitalization
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as we see in the bottom here with uh
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contemporary literature as an example for a level one heading
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Intex citations.
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So before we go into
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uh citations, we should note
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that paper for the most part should be double spaced except for block quotes,
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table titles and figure captions,
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10 or 12 point times a Roman or Palacio
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So for citations, when you're working on C MS notes and bibliographies,
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as we can see here, you have
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at the end of every paraphrase or quote, you have a note
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The note is super scripted
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as we can see it's raised
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and we have a matching
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a footnote at the bottom of the page.
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See that both the uh note in footnote are labeled one
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because they are the first note in footnote pair.
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and here we have two
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and two
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our other example. So as we can see,
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uh with every
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note, there's a matching footnote,
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the footnote at the bottom of the page
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will have all your information about your source.
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And we will refer to the specific page range
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your quote paraphrase is referring to
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for C MS author date Intex citations.
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Uh They look a lot like how you might
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cite in
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M L A or A P A. Essentially, you'll have the name of the authors
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uh mentioned either in the signal phrase or at the end of the citation
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in the parentheses,
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you'll also have the year
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and the page numbers. If there are page numbers.
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Uh there's multiple examples on
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this sample page as well as examples to the left of the sample page.
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For example, these will be my famous last words.
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We have the year 2023 page 12 and Gregory Smith mentioned before the quote,
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whereas we have the same quote again
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underneath it
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um where we have there will be,
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these will be my famous last words and then we have print
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citations at the end with all the information.
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So the most important thing is that
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we include all that information
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which is the author's name, the year and the page of it.
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So when we're block quoting, it works very similarly,
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there are very slight differences between the two styles.
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The biggest thing to note that for both style styles, block quotes
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end up being a single spaced
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as we see for both of these examples
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a single phrase before the block quote is
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double spaced.
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Other than that they are the same
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in terms of citation
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as we looked at. For the other examples where
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your uh notes and bibliographies example
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gets a note in a footnote
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and your
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block quotes
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for C MS author date,
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get uh citation information with the year
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page number
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and the author's name mentioned.
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So depending on what type of paper
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style you're working on,
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you'll either have a reference page or a bibliography page.
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If you are working on C MS author date,
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you'll use a reference page.
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If you're using the C MS notes and bibliographies,
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you'll use a bibliography page both of them look very similar.
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So here we see on the left you, it mentions bibliography on the right.
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It says references
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uh as you can tell we have the same sources here for both of them,
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they are cited
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slightly differently.
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The best way to learn how to cite things differently
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for the different styles is use something like E S
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gale, opposing viewpoints in context or us news newspapers,
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those have auto citation features built into them.
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So you can find your source there,
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you can use their auto citation
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and then you can see
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how they differ. So
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you might pull up a source
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and it'll say this is how to cite it in C MS notes and bibliographies.
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And then it'll say this is how to cite it in C MS author date style.
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Uh for the most part,
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what looks
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different is where we put things like years,
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but they are very similar.
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an annotated bibliography might apply if your
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professor specifically asks for an annotated bibliography.
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So this would be instead of a reference page
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and instead of a standard bibliography page,
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you would essentially have your citation or
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your source. And then you would evaluate the source.
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When you evaluate a source, you would summarize the source,
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you would assess the credibility of the source
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and you would explain how the source led to
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the strength of your argument.
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You'll do this for every single source
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that you cite and your annotated bibliography.
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check with the professor if you need one because it's a lot of extra work
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to do if you
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and you don't want to do all that extra work, if you don't need one,
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um If you do need one,
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it's gonna affect your grade a lot if you
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don't do one,
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if you have any problems with citation
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pretty well.
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C MS scriber, C MS and C MS online have really good guides on how to formulate
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all your citations
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in both of those types of C MS styles.
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You can see we have links to
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all those sources I just mentioned.
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Uh And as I mentioned before, you can also use search engines like
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Epsco Gala posing viewpoints in context or us newspapers
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because they have auto citation features built in
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C MS, has an auto
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generator that you can use to start your entries
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and then you are responsible for going back and checking their accuracy.
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You can check their accuracy by using
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L C MS guide or looking at their sample papers and comparing them to your sources.
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You can also compare
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um all of those citations to the sample papers we
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have available through the Craft Mills College Tutoring Center.
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Make sure that you are looking at the right type of
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paper format
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to check your sources though,
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because we have a sample paper for C MS other
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date and one for C MS author notes and Bibs,
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other resources that are available to you
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are the formatting and style guides through,
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through Chicago manual style online
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through scriber Chicago style citation guide
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and through the C H D tutoring center where we have various handouts
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on the bottom left. You'll see that we have sample papers for both C MS styles
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and on the right,
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on the bottom right.
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You'll see we have youtube tutorials linked
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from other um very trustworthy sources,
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including the N C C libraries and check.
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So N C C libraries has a very useful video
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that time stamps
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all the different aspects of C MS styles.
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So you can go and check and kind of see on
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what parts that maybe you aren't 100% clear on and check
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really quickly shows you how to set up a paper
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using C MA.
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So that all in all is
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everything that goes into C MS.
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If you still aren't clear on any part of this process, I would recommend
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that you take a look at our sample papers that are available in the
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C H C tutoring center and available on a writing hit out page.
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You can also meet with a tutor and they will be more than happy to
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work with you.