Facebook: Tips, Tricks and Politics...
Brought to you by...
Our Hashtag for Today....
- Lance Ratze @yolascafe
- Rena Ripp @renaripp
- Tony Rodriguez @madcityads
- Annie Rubens @annierubens
- Paul Stokes @paulwstokes
- Mike Walsh @mikegwalsh
- Bob Wydra @diditdirect
Greg Monday of Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. (@ReinhartLaw)
Christine Schmieden (@XtineFitLife) from UW Health (@UWHealth)
Tomorrow Night 5:30 PM: "Marketing with Ian's Pizza" Herzing University - Madison West Learning Center
Free for members and $10 for non-members
Cory Dane from Yelp (@YelpMadison)
John Lucas (@JPLucas55) and the #UWSocial group at UW-Madison
February 20, 2013 - Community Building 2.0: Disinterested To Devoted -Yelp Madison
Location: Best Western Plus InnTowner & The Highland Club
Speaker: Corey Dane of Yelp Madison
March 20, 2013 - Healthcare and Social Media - ACHE
Location: Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC)
Healthcare Panel: TBA
Coming Soon - Connected - Screening
Location and Time: TBD
March 5th - "Mastering Marketing in the 21st Century" 5th Annual AMA-Madison Marketing Conference
Kary Beck (@KaryBeck) of Mead & Hunt (@MeadHunt)
- 3rd Wednesday morning of each month
- Various locations
- Want to host 100 – 300 people?
- Would you like to sponsor?
- Ideas for speakers?
- Would you like to contribute on a committee?
- Speak to any of our co-managers for details!
Education through panel discussions, presentations and case studies. We teach, share and learn best practices in Social Media.
Networking: We bring together marketers, PR professionals, students, entrepreneurs, social media practitioners and enthusiasts over breakfast.
Katie Harbath
Washington D.C.
Manager of Public Policy
UW-Madison '03
- smbmad.org
- facebook.com/socialmediabreakfastmadison
- twitter.com/smbmad
- slideshare.net/smbmad
- tinyurl.com/LinkedInSMBMad
- gplus.to/smbmad
- smbmad@gmail.com
Tips, Tricks and Politics