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Yearly Business Review Presentation Template

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Yearly Review

Transcript: 10/10 year would look like.... 1. Over 25 people scoring on day to day basis 2. over 40 people in the office 3. 3 offices opened. 4. Travel at every posible opportunity. 5. Having at least one assistant manager at any given time. 6. Save 30k 7. See my familly as much as posible 1. Promoted 2 assistant managers 2. Hit campaign and credico bulletins 3. Win tripto BHI 4. Had opportunity to travel 5. Took Mikey to SA, had opportunity to share expierences, show bigger picture to my office. 6. Got my office to the point where we had over 20 people scoring consistently 1. My focus for this year is going to be seeing people all the way through out the process, be more involved in training new guys, going to the field more often, going on road trips, taking observations. My focus of the year is being a leader not a manager!! What should I stop doing? New habits 1. Better structure in the office 2. Spend more time networking 3. Read more 4. Get better at saving 1. I should keep spending time with top guys outside the office 2. I should keep getting coaching from Hector 3. I should keep going to the field at least once a week 4. Keep training admin team as im training leaders 5. Reading books. Biggest accomplishments What should I keep doing? I would rank my year as 5, because I feel I have achieved quite a few personal goals such as traveling and shoes and seeing my familly more often, but im not happy with my year beacause I haven provided the same opportunity to anyone else! That is my number 1 goal for next year! Yearly Review 1. Manage my assistant managers better, i feel this is my biggest weakness at the moment. Need to learn how see them all the way through management. 2. I should challenge my top performers more. 3. Spotting issues a lot earlier. 4. Training my admin team better, treat them as one of my leaders. 1. How to get to the point where we have over 20 people scorig 2. Got better at making logical desissions 3. got better at dificult conversations 1. Spending money What have I learned What could I have done better? What should my focus be for next year....

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