Teamwork Presentation
Transcript: Teamwork and the role of the team leader What is Teamwork? Why Teamwork? How to be a strong team - Teamwork allows work to be done faster and better - Allows each person to work in the area which they are better - Has a combination of strengths, so there should be a person competent for each situation - Working on a team increases accountability. - Increases productivity and motivation - Creates a constructive environment to work in - Group members communicate their opinions in a way that respects others, focusing on "what can we improve?", rather than "why it is wrong?". - Group members should trust each other and share their own ideas and feelings, they also should believe in each other. Hot Chocolate River Trust, respect, communication, diversity, honesty, common language, resources and purpose. Team Inputs Respect and Trust What qualities make a good leader? What is your role as a team leader within HCSA? A group is any collection of people who coordinate their individual efforts. A team is a group of people who share a common team purpose and a number of challenging goals. A team requires a coordinated effort, works towards common goal and collaboration. Teamwork is where two or more people work together toward the same goals How to be a Strong team Good leadership Clear Communication Team Roles Support Respect and Trust Team Inputs Good Leadership Clear Communication Team Role Support Respect and Trust Clear Communication Line up on one side of the rope. The space in between the two ropes is a giant hot chocolate river. You must get the entire team across the hot chocolate river, but it is too hot to swim across, and too deep to walk across. (It's a river so you can't walk around the river either) The only way to get across is by using the large, fluffy marshmallows...AKA your paper plates Unfortunately, the current in the river is so strong that it actually sweeps the marshmallows away if someone is not holding them down (with a hand, foot, or other safe appendage). Also, the marshmallows swell up once they are placed in the river, and they become too heavy to move again, so they must remain where they are placed. Bibliography This activity requires non-verbal communication. Achieve your Goal by working as a team Definition Quick to Listen, slow to speak. Share ideas and important information. Ensure two-way communication Express your opinion and values. Respect cultural norms and diversity Teamwork is when two or more people work together toward the same goals. Teamwork Activity Team Support Why teamwork? TUCKMAN'S TEAM DYNAMICS Support each other. Team Leader role and responsibilities Support from Advisers Team Outputs Higher level of performance, Engaged members, More fulfilling work, personal satisfaction, increased accountability, enhanced learning, deeper relationships, higher quality of work, and empowered members - Be open and honest - Be patient - Be positive - Maintain good relationships - Respect other views Think about the problem, not the people involved Team Roles Good Leadership Effective Teams - All group members must agree first on what needs to be done (Shared Goals) - Accept tasks and responsibilities that can develop your talents, interests, ambitions and competence of team members - Formal and Informal roles Difference between a group and a team? Conflict Resolution