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Presentation Template Advertising Pitch

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Advertising Pitch

Transcript: It was important for me to do an analysis of my questionnaire so that I could collect the most important date. Collecting the information in this way allowed me to see exactly what my target audience liked and what they would be able to spend on clothing. It allowed me to show the information effectively to allow for the best results. Colours Doing research into already existing Dubstep styled clothes allowed me to decide what was mainly used. I found out that a lot of jumpers and tee-shirts were used, as well as boots and pumps. I did a mood board of different things that I feel is connected to Dubstep style clothing. This included shoes such as Converse and Vans, as well as a colour swatch of generally dark colours. Doing this enabled me to decide what I could use in my advertising pieces in order to both point out that the brand was Dubstep based, but also that is was a fashionable brand. Photography and photoshoot schedule Before I had decided to focus on Dubstep for my fashion brand, I did research into multiple different music genres, including Dubstep/Electronic, Rock, Heavy Metal and Punk. Doing research into these different music genres and what clothing and colours are associated with them allowed me to decide what I wanted to base my brand on. To these... Research into Dubstep Picture Swap Questionnaire and questionnaire analysis I went from these... I then did thumbnails and sketches of 6 designs for my A4 advert, 4 for my Bus advert and 3 for my flier. I then did thumbnail ideas for both the front and back of my flier. On the front, I made sure to include different styles of clothing. On the back, I made sure to include a map and opening times. On the flyer, I also stuck with the 'theme' of using shoes and headphones. Research into Dubstep I carried out a focus group in order to gain results, from members of our target audience, about various questions, such as 'How much would you pay for these shoes?' and 'What do you think about the following items?'. It was important for me to carry this out as it allowed me to gather results about what people thought about existing brands and what some people would pay for certain items. With this, I could tailor what to use in my advertisements because I could link the questionnaires income answers and the amount of money people would pay for certain existing brands together. I did 4 thumbnails on what I wanted to include on my bus advert. I chose ideas that I could photograph and some that would need to be done in photoshop. I stuck with using shoes and headphones in my designs, like the A4 adverts, but I also added a lot more photoshop effects that would need to be used. It was important for me to do a questionnaire between a group of people, who were all within my target audience, so that I was able to find out more in-depth information about what should be included within my brand, such as income, currently used shops and their favourite clothing. Research into Dubstep Focus Group Clothesstep - A Fashion Brand Proposal Clothesstep is a Dubstep music based clothing brand with a target audience of teenagers within the ages of 11-18. As I already knew that my target audience was males and females within the age range or 14-25, I then knew what sorts of clothing they wore and what designs that age range liked, I would know what I should include in my advertisements. They would mostly be contented conformers (people who follow the herd) and people in the E/D social grade group. After I had decided what I wanted to include in my adverts, such as shoes and headphones, I planned out what I could photograph and what effects I could later add in using photoshop. For all of my thumbnails, I wrote down what shots I would use for the photography and also what effects I could possibly add in using photoshop. Existing Brand Research I carried out some existing brand research in order to find out how their adverts have changed throughout the years to fit in with it's purpose at the time. This was incredibly helpful because, as some of the brands were similar to mine, I was able to see how they carried it out to fit their purpose. This meant that I could correctly tailor my advertisements to fit the purpose of my brand. Flier Thumbnails/Sketches How much would you be willing to pay for the following shoes? What did you think of this song? Did you like it? And why? Heatwave Questions Preliminary Research A4 Advert Thumbnails/Sketches I conducted research of other Dubstep styled clothing, a mind map of my intial ideas, a mood board of what should be included by Clothesstep, an audience profile and research of existing similar brands. Colour Swatches On the next slide, there will be a selection of colours. We would like you to make your ‘dream colour swatch’, and write it down on the paper provided. You must have a reason as to why you have chosen the colours. I needed to make a photoshoot schedule so that I could organise when I was going to be taking shots I needed,

Advertising Pitch

Transcript: 1 Fancy Your Chances? The Problem People using their mobile phone and driving 2 Strategy Social Media Campaign Traditional Media Campaign Printed Campaign The Campaign 3 Associating driving and using a mobile phone with taking a gamble. The Idea 4 Outdoor& Social 5 TV&Radio ad 6 Press Release 7 Texting and driving: 4 times more likely to crash Road Safety Scotland have launched a new campaign warning of the dangers associated with using your mobile when driving. If you use your phone during your commute you are four times more likely to be involved in an accident. Fancy those chances? Don't text and drive. Ethics Ethics gambling emojis 8 Sources Beck, D. (2012). AT&T Teen Driver Survey [Ebook]. Retrieved from Teen Driving. Retrieved from Prat, F., Gras, M., Planes, M., González-Iglesias, B., & Sullman, M. (2015). Psychological predictors of texting while driving among university students. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology And Behaviour, 34, 76-85. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2015.07.023 Be Phone Smart - Promise you'll not use a handheld phone at the wheel. Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from AT&T It Can Wait Take The Pledge to Drive Distraction Free. Retrieved from 4 Anti-Texting and Driving Campaigns You Should Know About - Defensive Driving. Retrieved from Project Yellow Light. Retrieved from Caird, J., Johnston, K., Willness, C., Asbridge, M., & Steel, P. A meta-analysis of the effects of texting on driving. Caird, J., Johnston, K., Willness, C., Asbridge, M., & Steel, P. A meta-analysis of the effects of texting on driving. Retrieved from ASA (2019). Keeping your emojions in check – using emojis in ads. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2019]. (2019). 16 Gambling. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Nov. 2019]. Danesi, M. (2017). Emoji in Advertising. International Journal of Semiotics and Visual Rhetoric, 1(2), pp.1-12. Das, G., Wiener, H. and Kareklas, I. (2019). To emoji or not to emoji? Examining the influence of emoji on consumer reactions to advertising. Journal of Business Research, 96, pp.147-156. Alter, A. (2019). Irresistible The Rise Of Addictive Technology And The Business Of Keeping Us Hooked [Ebook]. Retrieved from Are you a typical #c4news viewer? (according to YouGov). (2019). Retrieved from Battisby, A. (2019). The latest uk social media statistics for 2019. Retrieved from Campaigns. (2019). Retrieved from Henshaw, S. (2019). Texting and driving statistics: How mobile phone distraction causes accidents . Retrieved from Kershaw, A. (2019). More than half of young people now going to university, figures show. Retrieved from Newberry, C. (2019). 37 instagram stats that matter to marketers in 2020. Retrieved from Penalty points: How bad are drivers in your area. (2019). Retrieved from Robineau, D. (2018). Reported road casualties in great britain: 2017 annual report. ().Department of Transport. doi:2019 Retrieved from

Pitch Template

Transcript: "This is interesting and such a remarkably simple tool with a great impact. A global basic income will have the wonderful effect of a dynamic and recursive engine for a healthy and thriving global economy, which is working inclusive for everyone. We will finally have new markets to conquer. Look Leila! The higher the transaction volume, the higher the basic income for everyone. The higher the basic income, the higher the turnover for companies, businesses and innovators. A wonderful economic engine!" "For companies this is actually great marketing and improves our reputation. And I just looked at co°open's website and have seen more inspiring "impact marketing" and sponsoring tools" "But co°open is not stopping there, we have dedicated ourselves to raise the basic income steadily. With every month in which our pool is growing, half of the newly generate resources will enlarge the basic income for everyone. Turning 10€ into 11€, 12€, 25€, 100€, 500€, 1000€ etc. Member 3 Customers love what they do and enjoy their innovations... Competitive Differentiators "This is a wonderful and visionary lookout Leila, but do you know, what I believe is the most charming. We can get started today, with almost nothing, we are not dependent on any large technological or systemic changes, to initiate and experience positive progress. All we have to do is to introduce the Social Responsibility Certificate in our companies and we all gain plenty small benefits, step by step. What do you think about starting with a 1% Certificate? Description about this team member. Just give a brief explanation of the member's experience and competencies. Leila and Franz went back home, while reading more about the team of co°open. Summary Source: "Together with other businesses, we will leave our mark as one of the first companies world wide to take part in shaping our evolution at a key turning point in history and secure the global purchasing power of everyone." Description about this team member. Just give a brief explanation of the member's experience and competencies. Ever since he could think Samuel was juggling with numbers and ideas, on how to improve millions of lifes in the most efficient way. Until the day, where he initiate co°open to go all in with his idea. co°open - global basic income Tumblingerstr. 80337 München T: +49 1525 3586734 Leila and Franz are sad, because the potential of reaching many customers with their companies can not be fully embraced, due to the lack of purchasing power. Meet Leila and Franz, two entrepreneurs "co°open is an open organization introducing a global basic income from bottom up for everyone, one person after another, regardless their heritage, race or social state." Social Responsibility 1000€ Member 4 Write down all of the reasons that you are better than the competition here. Leila begun to read out aloud: Once in their beds, they watched a summary, which the found about basic income on youtube, before they fell asleep, very pleased with the new discovery and a smile on their faces. CONTACT US: "Franz, every time we are eating here, 1% of each meal will be payed into a so called global basic income pool, listen to the explanation" Competitors 1% Samuel Andert Martin Luther King Jr. "... each time the pool is reaching a limit of 10€, somewhere in the world a human will be randomly elected to receive from now on every month a mini basic income forever." Easy Market Entry "Customers will enjoy the moment each time they buy something with a smile in their face, because they can see and feel the direct impact, they are generating with their purchase" Jascha "If every company and every person has a Social Responsibility Certificate of just 5%, already today according to the report, every adult could receive a monthly basic income of ~500€. And not the stop there, the financial transaction market is expanding yearly by 5-7%, doubling the transaction volume by 2030" Are there any other people trying to make money from the same market with a similar solution? Description about this team member. Just give a brief explanation of the member's experience and competencies. Certificate Franz begun to smile, it took him a moment to let that sink and sort out his thoughts, then he said to Leila: Leila nodded silently and added: Leila continues to read, with ever growing eyes: 2050 basic income Franz interrupted Leila in her dreams and said: Leila, even more excited, remembers the global payments report from McKinsey & Company and continued to calculate: They have a great expertise in creating new ideas, products and services, which improve our daily lives for the good, but they have a big dilemma: "I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective -

Pitch Template

Transcript: The product doesn't need to be great; it just has to basically work. And,the market doesn't care how good the team is, as long as the team can produce that viable product. In short, customers are knocking down your door to get the product; the main goal is to actually answer the phone and respond to all the e-mails from people who want to buy. Competitive Landscape We need to dive more deeply into digital learning Who are the big players (Pearson, MCGraw Hill, Cengage, Elsevier, Wiley(?), Ascend) Which are potential partners? Who are the smaller players (Grokit, BB, Knewton, Boundless...) Who are our direct competitors (Digital textbooks versus 2D/3D delivery) Why is our product defining EdTech 2.0? (I think because of how its built, how we present content and (future????) ALS. Can we say we have begun building this or just planning? Should this be part of our spend? I think so. Like when we say launch Vida Body Plus). What is the revenue growth for online learning products WHAT ARE OUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES AFTER SOMEONE COPIES EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE DOING??? Team Include key advisors eg, Jack Thornton, Jayshiro Tashiro in the case of publishing What are our past accomplishments. How we came to realize the outstanding opportunity we are presenting today-keep it succinct! HOW WILL WE MAKE MONEY?? HOW WILL INVESTORS MAKE MONEY!!!??? Introduction/Summary Basically elevator pitch-traction, product, team, social proof Create a meme for investors and friends to spread the word "Google Earth for the Body" "Bringing Anatomy to Life" Do they allude to physiology or only anatomy? Other? The Problem be concrete Who is the customer and what are their pain points What's happening to textbook revenues versus digital revenues Why competitors can't fill the need-ebooks no different, lack of tool integration with content Demo Three minutes Key features Only Key features-no details Leave people wanting more Some thoughts about traction: "Traction is a measure of your product’s engagement with it's market, a.k.a. product/market fit. In order of importance, it is demonstrated through profit, revenue, customers, pilot customers,non-paying users, and verified hypotheses about customer problems. And their rates of change. "A story without traction is a work of fiction" Traction: What have we done so far? Strategic relationships Customer testing (Webinar and demo at HAPS. Maybe we can get some of this data from Frank) Milestones and use of funds What have we raised? What will we raise? Restate the hypothesis we are testing with this round: Students/Instructors are seeking tools for A/P that are fun and engaging. We need to adjust this slide to account for a primary focus on EdTech. A high-concept pitch is the best way to describe your product and vision within an elevator pitch. Bad elevator pitches go on and on about the product. Good ones boil it down to a high-concept pitch. The rest of the elevator pitch should be devoted to your traction, product, team, and social proof. SALES: Describe the business model Current sales or pipeline What are the MICROECONOMICS Macro (put in Andreessen quote here) Technology Issues Keep it succinct but give some details How is it different? IP? Any patents? Is the difference sustainable? What is the basis for that? Market: Elaborate on the problem slide Fill in details about market size, trajectory How will we acquire customers-direct and indirect The Vision Be expansive and inspiring Maybe each of us can reflect briefly on the vision and what it means to us WE WANT TO DRAW APPLAUSE!!!

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