Transcript: SUMMARY Liberal government tries telling people how aboriginals need our help Liberal government is actually focusing on this issue to help aboriginals to spend $8.4 billion because they think it is worth it In the past The Canadian, British and provincial governments made a lot of mistakes when dealing with the aboriginal peoples, including taking large swaths of land from indigenous peoples and perpetrating human-rights abuses in residential schools. Discussion Question Possibility/Likehood Of The Issue Becoming Fully Resolved The Possibility/Likelihood Of The Issue Becoming Fully Resolved Both full time and part time retired Canadian soldiers complain about not recieving their pension cheques. Ever since 2007, there have been 1300 complaints and is currently receiving two new cases each day. Government hires an extra staff on both a permanent and temporary basis to fix the problem but the delay still presist. Who Is Most Effected By This Issue? Spending money on Aboriginals also come with a cost Taxes would get higher Liberals did not make a plan on creating more jobs and it could effect Canadians because our population is growing and immigrants are coming into Canada. Therefore, people need more jobs available Rona Ambrose talks about how some people are loosing things like education tax credit, arts tax credit, fitness tax credit, and more Do you think this issue will be fully resolved? This is most effective to retired canadian soldiers because they do not recieve their pension cheque that helps them pay for things like taxes, mortgage, bills, etc. So, they would have to pay money out of their pockets while waiting for their pension cheques to arrive. $1.25 Monday, February 17, 2014 Liberal government promises to spend money for aboriginal people due to issues like education, boil water advisories, and child and family services. Some people disagree on this promise because it could also effect Canadians as well NDP leaders do not believe that this promise will be achieved because they made several promises before and failed Is This Issue Being Dealt With Properly? Federal Budget 2016: Liberals Promise billions in new spending for Aboriginal Peoples Why Is It Important? Pension Cheuqe Delays Continue For Canadian Soldiers Retired soldiers do not recieve their pension cheques and that effects their lives. For example, a retiring soldier had to pay $12 000 out of his pocket for family medical coverage because he did not recieve his pension. They would have to wait about a year before getting their severance pay from the military. This causes retiring members to struggle on paying important stuff like morgages, taxes, etc. Aboriginals are most effected by this issue because some Canadians do not want their taxes to go higher cause it could effect their lives as well Aboriginals are struggling on paying for their childrens education and other services It causes loss of homes, hunger,etc. Not many Canadians might not agree with this promise causing problems to Aboriginals Yes because... Why Is This Issue Important? This issue is not being dealt with properly because it has been happening ever since 2007 and there are still complaints about this issue The Conservative government promised to fix it yet it is still an issue today This also has been happening to investigators as well but they have to wait more days to recieve it Is It Being Dealt With Properly? Is spending billions of dollars on Aboriginals worth it? Vol XCIII, No. 311 SUMMARY NEWSPAPER PRESENTATION Discussion Question Most Effective To This Issue In my opinion, this will not be fully resolved because racism still exists in our country and Canadians could be mad if the government decides to help the Aboriginals. It affects the Canadians taxes because it will go higher. The government needs Canadians to be happy with his decisions but at the same time Canada is Aboriginals homeland. This affects both Canadians and Aboiginals I think this issue will not be fully resolved because it has been happening for several years. Ever since 2007 there has been so many complaints and still recieve two new cases each day. Also, the government promised to fix this issue by hiring staff but delays still presist.