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Logo Presentation Template Ai

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Logo Presentation

Transcript: History of Apple 1998-Present Closure 2nd Logo 1st Logo In 1996-1997 they lost a lot of money & Steve came back. The first logo was designed in 1976 by Ronald Wayne (The 3rd Co-Founder of Apple. Logo name: The Newton Crest 1976-1976 In the logo is Isaac Newton sitting under a tree and a apple dangling above his head. There was no rhyme or reason behind the placement of the colors. Scully and Jobs got into a argument and jobs resigned. Logo Presentation By: David Lopez The bite in the apple was made to let people know it was a apple and not a tomato. Citations The Apple logo was already recognized worldwide so they decided to change it. They thought the rainbow apple looked out of place and wouldn't look good on the newer model computers and other electronics by Apple. Steve Jobs & His friend built a apple computer & it was a success. Jobs invited Scully 'president of Pepsi-Cola' and he became president and CEO of Apple. 1976-1988 In my opinion the new logo looks a lot better than the first one because its a lot more simple and more professional and the second logo just looks off and unprofessional because of all the colors. 3rd Logo Evolution of apple computer Apple History Thirty Years of Apple "Edible Apple." The Evolution and History of the Apple Logo | . N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2014. "Recent Changes." / Specs for Every Apple Computer, Established 1996. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2014. "Happy Birthday, Mac." Apple. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014. Today's Apple Logo After he came back they did very well and they had a lot of sales. Rainbow Apple History of Apple

AI framework template

Transcript: "...a goal (in STRIPS) describes some desired state of the world that we want to reach." InvalidKey AnimLooped AnimPlayed AtNode AtNodeType AtTargetPos CoverStatus DisturbanceExists Idling MountedObject PositionIsValid RidingVehicle, ReactedToWorldStateEvent SurveyedArea TargetIsAimingAtMe TargetIsLookingAtMe TargetIsDead TargetIsFlushedOut TargetIsSuppressed TraversedLink UsingObject WeaponArmed WeaponLoaded Count Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) PLANNING GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE ACTIONS GOAL SET: PATROL WORLD STATE PROPERTY KEYS WORLD STATES GOAL SET: BASE Reference: Three States and a Plan: The AI of F.E.A.R. Orkin, J. Game Developer's Conference Proceedings, 2006 Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) Guard plus additional goalsets Invalid Block BlockedPath Damage Defeated EnemyInFlamePot FollowerOutOfRange IncomingMeleeAttack MeleeBlocked MeleeBlockFailure MeleeBlockSuccess Shoved Surprised EnemyInPlaceForSurpriseAttack Taser1Stunned Taser2Stunned BerserkerKicked FinishingMove WeaponBroke Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget "In a planning system, we represent the state of the world as a conjunction of literals. Another way to phrase this is to say that we represent the state of the world as an assignment to some set of variables that collectively describe the world." "Planning is a formalized process of searching for sequence of actions to satisfy a goal. The planning process is called plan formulation. The planning system that we implemented for F.E.A.R. most closely resembles the STRIPS planning system from academia." "STRIPS consists of goals and actions, where goals describe some desired state of the world to we want to reach, and actions are defined in terms of preconditions and effects. An action may only execute if all of its preconditions are met, and each action changes the state of the world in some way." "The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world." GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE GOALS Patrol plus additional goalsets Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget WORLD STATE EVENTS MAIN PILLARS ACTION SET: BASE Animate TraverseLink Idle GotoTarget GotoNode GotoNodeOfType UseSmartObjectNode GotoValidPosition DeathOnVehicle Follow FollowPlayer FollowWaitAtNode EscapeDanger ReactToDanger GetOutOfTheWay GOAL SET: BASE Soldier AI framework in F.E.A.R. InstantDeath (FollowHeavyArmor) AttackFromAmbush (InstantDeathKnockedDown) (LongRecoilBullet) (LongRecoilExplosive) (LongRecoilMelee) KnockDownBullet KnockDownMelee KnockDownExplosive (ShortRecoilMelee) AttackReady GotoTargetLost LongRecoilHelmetPiercing "In F.E.A.R., A.I. use cover more tactically, coordinating with squad members to lay suppression fire while others advance. A.I. only leave cover when threatened, and blind fire if they have no better position." "F.E.A.R. A.I. always try to stay covered, never leave cover unless threatened and other cover is available, and fire from cover to the best of their ability." "The primary point we are trying to get across here is that with a planning system, we can just toss in goals and actions. We never have to manually specify the transitions between these behaviors. The A.I. figure out the dependencies themselves at run-time based on the goal state and the preconditions and effects of actions." ACTION SET: SOLDIER Attack AttackCrouch SuppressionFire SuppressionFireFromCover FlushOutWithDynamite AttackFromCover BlindfireFromCover AttackDynamiteFromCover (AttackFromView) DrawWeapon (ChangeWeapon) HolsterWeapon ReloadCrouch ReloadCovered InspectDisturbance LookAtDisturbance SurveyArea DodgeRoll DodgeShuffle DodgeCovered Uncover AttackMelee TraverseBlockedDoor LookAtDisturbanceFromView GOAL SET: GUARD "A STRIPS action is defined by its preconditions and effects. The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world. "

AI Logo Generation

Transcript: AI Crafted Logos hackathon Xmas23 Goal 2 Live Demo! Leveraging existing tools New ways of interacting with AI arrive on the market daily. We used one that allows you to draw simple shapes to generate logos It only took one of us half a day to create and add it directly in BC Future What's next Goal 1 Goals Improve Reuse Depending on where our priorities are, there's a number of areas where we could potentially push forward Our solution so far for AI generation We have a variety of goals we could achieve in this post-AI era. We worked on 2 of them. We downloaded logos from our own library to use as base to train a model and generated new logos from scratch! Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 1 With some time, we could massively improve the logo generation trained with our own logos, like adding a prompt to guide the generation, refine the model to improve the quality, etc There's a ton of other tools available that we could potentially use. The main problems would always be the legal side of things to ensure a commercial use of what's generated The tool The model Numbers Unconditional diffusion 100k logos 5h+ of training 100+ logo created Thanks everyone! Help curation in creating more logos and designs faster to keep increasing and renewing our library Provide an ever better customer experience by leveraging AI to help them get to their desired results faster Solve the legal concerns around generated content by using our own intellectual property to train the models and own what comes out Joe & Matt H. Yann helped with the prez

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