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HR Presentation

Transcript: Organization Background and History About the Jeppesen Company The Jeppesen Vision The Jeppesen Values Jeppesen’s Future Plans Size and Structure of Departments The Carmen Systems Acquisition Acquisition Issues Overall Functions of HR Department Training and Development (Our HR function in Depth) Nature of Training Mathis and Jackson idea that, “the nature of technological innovation and change is such that if employees are not trained all the time, they may fall behind and the company could becomes less competitive” (Mathis and Jackson, 84). Organizational Competitiveness and Training Integration of Performance and Training According to Mathis and Jackson, organizations should always be seeking for more effective training experiences for their employees. Training Needs Assessments Training Design Mathis and Jackson discuss 'learner readiness' as an integral part in attributing to the success of an employee’s training. Training Delivery Internal Training Internal training is said to be comprised of 'informal training', 'on-the job training' and 'cross-training' (Mathis and Jackson, 90). External Training Educational Assistance Programs Orientation E-Learning Online Training As mentioned by Mathis and Jackson, e-learning is becoming increasingly widespread across organizations in regards to training incentives. Training Evaluation Interface Between HR and Line Managers 1 Ensure fair and consistent implementation of human resource policies and procedures. 1 1 4 Y 2 Advise and counsel management on employee problems. 1 3 3 Y 3 Design appropriate staffing and recruiting policies and programs. 2 4 1 Y 4 Assist department managers in interviewing, selecting, and hiring of employees. 2 4 4 Y 5 Design and implement performance evaluation system(s). 1 3 3 Y 6 Administer direct and indirect compensation programs. 1 3 4 Y 7 Ensure compliance with provincial/ federal/ fair employment laws and other legal restrictions in all employment practices. 1 4 4 Y 8 Counsel employees on job-related and/or personal problems. 2 1 1 N 9 Develop and maintain employee human resource records. 1 2 4 Y 10 Develop equal employment policy and communicate this policy to all managers. 1 5 4 Y 11 Ensure compliance with safety and health standards. 1 1 5 Y 12 Oversee fair application of employee grievance proce­dures. 1 2 2 N 13 Provide state-of-the-art solutions to employee relations problems. 3 4 4 N 14 Plan for future human resource needs. 2 4 2 Y 15 Work with top management on human resource implications of business plans and strategies. 1 5 1 Y 16 Work directly with managers to ensure the success of day to day operations 2 1 1 N 17 Design and implement employee training and career development programs 2 3 2 N 18 Negotiate the collective bargaining agreement. 3 5 3 Y 19 Administer and enforce provisions of the collective bargaining agreement. 2 5 3 Y 20 Maintain a working relationship with employees and recognize their individual needs and personalities. 2 1 1 N 21 Being readily available to meet employees to discuss any of their concerns 1 1 3 N 22 Administer business change and transformation with in the business 1 3 4 Y 23 Promote employee motivation and team building 1 2 1 N Conclusion 1. The competitive advantage to employee training differs. 2. All managers have a different priority focus in their job and therefore we see discrepancies in the form. 3. Cultural incompatibility is an issue that is evident to some degree. Line Manager: Mr. Cullen Senior HR Manager/Business Partner : Mrs. Witt Senior HR Manager/Business Partner : Mrs. Witt Susan Eloim Mike Difference (Y/N) Line Manager: Mr. Gutierrez

HR Presentation

Transcript: A.) Too Detailed B.) Just Right (answer) C.) Too Broad What are the five steps to the training process? A.) Needs Analysis, Instructional Design, Validation, Implementation, Evaluation & Follow-Up B.) All of the above C.) None of the above Needs Analysis Implementation This is not the Agenda Develop a training program to meet the objectives from Needs Analysis E-training - online web-based training Identify job performance skills needed: -Need for technical skills in social media (Facebook) Measured with performance objectives: -General Knowledge In social media -Handle future situations in timely manner 5)Evaluate Evaluation and Follow-up Good Luck on Your Exam Test the effectiveness of the training program Use a controlled scenario (trained group vs non-trained/control group) “At Canada’s top 100 employers, the training never stops” 2)Design Describe this HR Manager Orientation: Jeremy Carrier, Scott Fleming, Sonia Khela, Ali Patel, Gurkamal Singh Instructional Design Clicker Question #2 As Future Employees Provide feedback Ask Questions Bring up concerns Relevance to the Students Clicker Question #1 Implement on the internal police force’s network (intranet) Mandated regionally 3)Validate Orientation and Training Urgent Developing Situation Group 10's Validation Engages employees in the business Enables a culture of growth and people development Develops Strong leaders, up-to-date on current technology/trends HR Manager Orientation Relevance to the Students – Importance of a Continuing Training Program 4)Implement Five Step Training Process Thank you for participating in today's lesson. Next lesson will be on Performance Appraisal Hostage situation - downtown Pennsylvania Klein Michael Thaxton Use of Facebook to negotiate/communicate with police Prompts Social Media training for Pittsburgh police 1)Analyze Brief Overview of Everything Example Event Potential Life Saving The Five-Step Training Process What we Learned Relevance Essential to Survival Verify skills are trained through a pilot program Police become competent in the use of social media Have a preliminary program used to gauge effectiveness of training on a smaller population of the police force

HR presentation

Transcript: Option 3: Behavioral Based Interviews Innovative leaders can be extremely challenging for HR professionals to find. Using the means to which were discussed throughout the article will almost always guarantee a full-proof plan. Behavioral/psychological assessments P-O Fit Assessments Behavioral Interviews Succession Planning Recruiting Innovative Leaders Option 1: Behavioral and Psychological Assessments Ideas A good way to predict future performance as a leader is to use this form of interview Are able to be customized to specific organizations and jobs Strong selection tool; questions can be adapted to a skill specific for a job Recruiting and Selecting Leaders for Innovation: How to Find the Right Leader by Lauren E. McEntire and Tiffany M. Greene-Shortridge Notes Most popular tools HR professionals will use in assessment of candidates. Types: Innovation Potential Indicator (IPI) Cognitive Ability Test Personality Tests Biographical Information (aka biodata) Situational Judgement Tests (SJT's) Ideas Are thought to be even more important now than ever before. The more authentic and innovative a leader is, the better their staff/company is likely to perform. Option 4: Succession Planning Importance of Innovative Organizational Leaders Identifying a match between the leader and the organizational culture P-O fit assessment is built solely for this purpose. Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) measures the values between the applicant and the organization. Positive relationship between P-O Fit and job satisfaction and organizational commitment. One of the largest issues found from a lack of P-O Fit is strain. Hiring from within the organizations Steps: First target a specific department or business area where survival is critically based off of innovation. Second, HR professionals should build a profile of a successful innovative leader within this business area. Once the plan is created, it is time to put it to action with the best available candidates. Option 2: Person-Organization Fit Assessment Ideas Conclusion One of the most difficult responsibilities of HR professionals. Recruiting options available: peer referrals professional societies or alumni lists social media networking

HR Presentation

Transcript: While wellness programs are seen as good, other employees disagree and have filed lawsuits over perceived discrimination. More hours for employees Wellness Programs and Work-from-Home Save money on hidden costs Communication can become more difficult Employee/Employer Disadvantages of Working From Home Employer Benefits of Working From Home Programs Tone can be exceptionally hard and cause misunderstandings. Upfront Cost Educational materials come with a cost as well as staff members to be paid for facilitating programs and counseling sessions. Time The amount of time a company spends on preparing, implementing, and trying to invest in a wellness program can vary. Privacy Employers have faced litigation because wellness programs may be subject to a wide range of federal, state, and local laws which regulate the sharing of private information. Save money on overhead expenditures and other costs Furniture, computers, phone lines, office supplies, power bills, and detailed things(coffee and snacks) Develops loyal employees Increase profitability and productivity of the organization Improves Employee Satisfaction Reduces absenteeism Increases work productivity Moving into the Future Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, headquartered in Rochester, NY, is part of a $6.9 billion family of companies that finances and delivers health care services across upstate New York and long term care insurance nationwide. Collectively, the enterprise provides health insurance to about 1.6 million members and employs about 6,000 New Yorkers. What is Excellus? Increase Motivation Healthy Employees When the employees are healthy, it costs the company less for health insurance and the employees function better and are more productive. Exercise also increases concentration and self-confidence Employee Wellness and work-at-home options are valuable All benefits have advantages and disadvantages Costs offset by savings and retention Continue to monitor results and ROI We recommend continuation and expansion Giving employees choice without violating their privacy will ensure a long lasting working relationship. Introduction Questions? To keep the employees inspired to stay fit out of the work place, the company reimburse part of employee’s gym memberships. They can even keep track of their physical activities and earn points that they can turn into cash. Compensation and benefits Direct Compensation Indirect Compensation Nonfinancial Compensation Meaningful Benefits vs. Controlling Costs Research methods Employee wellness and Telecommuting chosen Increased responsibility for tax deductions Dispatching tech support or having office supplies delivered to people's homes could effectively cost more. Saving money for who? Positive Aspects of Employee Wellness Programs Negative Aspects of Employee Wellness Programs No casual conversation with co-workers Fitness programs: Are they worth the effort? Employee Benefits of Working From Home Yahoo and Google have placed restrictions on working from home. "Creativity happens around the water cooler" Employee/Employer Disadvantages of Working From Home COMPENSATION CHALLENGES AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AT EXCELLUS BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD: BALANCING WORK, LIFE, AND THE BOTTOM LINE Linda Gallagher, Jessica Wheeler, Kyle Netherton, Joe Marino, Talia Hawthorne Commuting costs, wear and tear on cars, road taxes (E-Z pass), parking, wardrobes, and child care arrangements Work at home: Does it "work"? Wellness initiatives may not encourage health behavior beyond completion of programs. In Conclusion...

HR Presentation

Transcript: REcommedation (cont'd) The procedure of the interview 1. Preperation before interview 2. Situation of first meeting 3. Taking notes during interview 4. Simple evaluation after interview 5. Survey of customer satisfaction & Information from employees The Major finding of interview REcommedation (cont'd) Recommendation for improvements REcommedation (cont'd) 1.Absence of Human resources planning 2.No accurate human resources planning support recruitment 3.High staff turnover rate 4.Training and development 5.Performance management 6.Compensation and reward 7.Employee communication Training Pro88 provides limited training for its employees. Most of the training is on the job training, which is very important for any small company. Recommendations: Instructions Supervised performance Role playing 1) The workplace 5197 Yonge Street ,Pho 88 Restaurant 2) The interviewee’s name Mr. Fang, Xiwei 3) The date 17th November, 2012 Conclusion Compensation and Reward: Pro88 Restaurant does not have competitive compensation and reward system that increases employee defection. The company pay minimum wage and there are no other significant benefits. Recommendations: It is true that small companies can’t pay high salaries like big companies, but they can attract employees by providing other benefits: Health care benefits for employees who are working for a long time Stimulating, team-oriented and flexible work environment A harmonious and responsive working environment, Opportunities for self-direction, Career advancement opportunities and Profit sharing. REcommedation (cont'd) Introduction Ying Zheng (300718902) Han Cao (300723661) Zhijin Yu (300700894) Akm Khairul Islam (300673338) Eyan Lakhani (300714563) Performance management Performance management helps organizations to improve performance, compensation adjustment, placement decision, training and development needs, career planning and development and avoidance of discrimination Pro88 Restaurant doesn’t have any performance management system Recommendations Performance measurement system based on employee participation Reward for good work Employee of the month Pay increase based on performance Promotion opportunity for good employees Evaluation of Human Resources in PHO88 Restaurant Recruitment and Selection: Finding appropriate employees is a big challenge for any organization. Highly skilled and motivated workers can be a real competitive advantage. Human resource manager points out that the company use ‘post on window’ method to attract people to work in her organization, which is not a good way to attract good employees. It can be one method, but use other methods are also necessary to attract new employees. Recommendations: Advertisement to local newspapers Use current employees to recruit new employees Reduce Employee DefectionEmployee defection is very high in Pro88 Restaurant, and last year it was 135% High employee defection can harm organization in various ways such as decrease productivity or service quality, serious financial loss, loss of clients, and hamper reputation of the company. Recommendations: Proper human resource planning Competitive salary Create harmonious working environment for employee, and Better career prospect for employees. Human resource planning: The human resource manager points out “the manpower planning is not needed now. But we will feel the need of it soon in days to come” Recommendations: Human resource plan for strategic success Determine organization’s demand for human resource Appropriate recruitment policy Training and career development policy REcommedation (cont'd)

HR presentation

Transcript: The Holocaust genocide what do you know about holocaust? Systematic Ways Of Killing 1 Mass Shooting 2 Killing Using Bombs 3 Gas Chambers & Holocaust 1st remove your valuables 2nd remove your shoes and clothes then they will remove your hair imprisonment reason The second half of the 19th century witnesses a mass Immigration of the german jews which is considered as a escape from Hitler's whims of killing people as he lost the meaning of life due to contribution in world war I The beginning extermination The procedure of killing the victims in gas chambers was the following: the victims were forced into the gas chamber, which were 2 bunkers that can contain 1200-3000 person, the door was closed and either exhaust fumes or Zyklon B-gas was led into the room. It was decided to establish an especial railway to the concentration camp mainly for deporting prisoners who where classified by batches which refers to their imprisonment reason. Concept of the Aryan race world criticism Medical Experiments Inside The Concentration Camps Consequences of oppression some national governments, international characters and world leaders have been criticized for their failure to take appropriate action to save the millions of European Jews, On April 1933, Nazis took their first action by announcing an overall boycott of all the jewish business. 2 millions women 3 millions men Religion conflict Why do you think that had happened??.. Germany The way to the camp Accused to be a traitor The Holocaust is known as the genocide of approximately six million Jews ,it was performed by the Nazi party led by Hitlar 1 million child End

HR Presentation

Transcript: Compensation The process of paying and rewarding people for the contributions they make to the organization Pay Benefits Total package of rewards (both monetary & nonmonetary) Nonmonetary awards: appreciative feedback, awards, social prestige More than two out of three Americans are losing sleep worrying about their finances in the tough economy Restless nights and insomnia due to financial troubles are an occasional problem for 69 percent of Americans Insomnia has been linked to lowered productivity and workplace accidents Meet-the-market: establish pay that is in the middle range Lag-the-market: establish a pay level that is lower than the average comparison group Lead-the-market: average pay level is higher than the average Conclusion Do People Lose Sleep Over Pay? How Important is Pay? is here Pay Level Strategies Financial worries are the biggest reason women stay up at night, with nearly one in three females (30 percent) saying they burn the midnight oil over money woes With 66 percent of women now serving as CFO of their household, according to Women & Co. research, it's not surprising there is more to keep them up at night Financial problems impact nearly everyone’s health and happiness and many times women bear the brunt even more than men Culturally, women also tend to lose more sleep than men because they are often family caregivers. If a spouse or loved one is in financial trouble, the woman of the family may feel the impact in her sleep And one more thing... Thank you for your attention!

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