What Started the Fire?
Why Did This Happen?
- Reports show that the fire began in the storage room closest to the casino and ball room of the hotel.
- The fire grew rapidly because of the fuel load contained in the storage room.
- This room was filled with plastic covered furniture, which was made of synthetic, petroleum-based materials.
- Employee's were were upset with their current pay and medical care, and decided to go on strike.
- Three disgruntled employee's planned on setting multiple fires with the intention on scaring tourists who wanted to stay at the hotel during the strike.
What Made the Fire So Devastating?
Aerial view of the Dupont
- Both the plastic and the furniture released extreme heat and poisonous gas as they burned.
- The heat blew out the plate glass window causing a flashover.
- Smoke and fire flowed freely into the casino and lobby areas, killing almost 100 people in 12 minutes.
When and Where?
Hotel Burning
- This fire occurred on December 31, 1986. On new years eve.
- The Dupont Plaza Hotel is in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- The fire began close to 3:00 pm.
Dupont Plaza Hotel Arson
What Happened?
More Factors in Fatalities
- Dupont Plaza Hotel went up in flames.
- It is the most catastrophic hotel fire in Puerto Rican history, and the second in the history of the United States.
- This fire killed 97 people and injured 140 more.
- Guests of the hotel have reported that one or more doors in the casino were shut and locked once smoke was detected.
- On the second floor, emergency exits were also locked prior to the fire to prevent theft.
- When the hotel was built in 1964 the law did not require installment of automatic fire sprinklers, so the building simply didn't have them.
Responders and Suspects
- The Puerto Rico Fire Department was dispatched at 3:40 pm.
- 13 fire trucks, 100 firefighters, and 35 ambulances responded.
- The suspects were: Hector Escudero Aponte, Armando Jimenez Rivera, and Jose Rivera Lopez.
- The one who was convicted of arson and murder was Hector Aponte.