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Insight Presentation

Transcript: Market Insight Project "Find local insight" ハラル化粧品認証 ~世界のイスラム教人口約18億人のポテンシャルを狙え~ in Malaysia New Trend: "Hair mayonnaise" for modern Arab woman (Dubai) Dabur International (Dubai): Turnover: over $1 billion Market capitalization: $4 billion. total treatment in just three minutes マレーシア民族間のポテトチップス事情 事情 ①味 マレー系の方たちはスパイシーなBBQ味を好むのに対し、華人系の方達は塩気が少なくスパイシーでないオリジナルの味が好まれる ②購入パターン マレー系方たちは同じブランドのポテトチップスを購入し続ける傾向にあるのに対し、華人系の人たちは新商品を好む傾向にある 背景 ①味 華人系の人はマレー系の人より健康に気を使う傾向にある為、塩が控えめな味を好む ②購入パターン: 華人系は仏教、キリスト教徒が多く、食への制限が少ない為、心理的により新しい味を求める傾向にある。マレー系は、イスラム教徒が多く、ハラル食品(イスラム教遵守の加工品)かどうかを確かめる必要がある為、従来から食べなれているハラル食品ならば安心して食べられるという安心の心理的要因が働いている 生理用品を使用する人は女性人口の中でたった12%だが、今後増加していく傾向にある。ナプキン使用後の処分方法は、他国と違う。 公衆トイレで生理用品の焼却炉が今後更に設置されていく見込み。(学校の女子トイレなど) 焼却炉に入れないナプキンは、一般ごみと混ぜる。人により手作業でごみを分別するため、不衛生による健康問題が生じる。 消費者側から企業に対して生理用品用のごみ袋も準備するよう強く要求している。 INTERESTING FACT: アフリカ(KENYA) Ghanaなどのアフリカ国にも 同じ問題が起きている。 政府は、女の子が生理用品を購入 できるように、予算を設けるか検討中 Laundry& Household cleaner Oman 富吉 Food How to... Step 2 不衛生だとわかっているけど、生理用品の代わりに、布、ティッシュ、コットン、葉っぱ、ぼろ布,紙などを使用。 Kao社の日本と中国の研究員が中国の852世帯を実際に訪問し、洗濯習慣を詳細に調査した。その結果、中国では9割が洗濯機と手洗いを併用していること、手洗いの際には汚れを確実に落とすためにつけ置きをすること、洗剤成分を完全に除去するためすすぎを何回も行っていることなどがわかった。つまり、中国では洗浄力が高く泡切れがいい洗剤が求められていた。 (岡田京子・花王ハウスホールド研究所主任研究員) カテゴリー:受容性検証、現地の文化・習慣への適応事例 ⇒ カレー:中国でどんぶり文化、味覚、色、買い置き、、、 商品・ブランド:ローカライズ事例 ⇒ 洗剤:アジアでは小袋包装、手洗い、 ⇒ 生理用品:イスラム圏は洗って捨てる? ⇒ 鍵付き冷蔵庫、お祈り時間プリセットTV、、、 現地に適応させたプロモーション、流通、価格などの施策例 ⇒ ビール:ベトナムでブランド選択は合意形成、、、 Population 2,106,177 Nationality 53% Indian 17% Emirati 13.3% Pakistani 7.5% Bangladeshi 2.5% Filipino 1.5% Sri Lankan 0.3% American 5.7% other countries *Source Wikipedia 生理用品が負担できないから、生理中に学校を休むよ。 ====背景==== 社会階級が高い人=色白 お見合いサイトの調査:女性の7割 欧米文化の流入 ====結果==== スキンクリニックやエステサロンに通う男性急増中 男性ムダ毛処理の意識にも変化 北部でも脱毛商品 Complete!! Step 4 Step 1 Step 3 UAE インサイト研究=マーケットインサイト “アタック瞬清”のケース Found local insight? 荒木チーム(1Gr) 篠原 Laundry& Household cleaner 袁 篠原 伊藤 富吉 ビビ ビビ Sanitary Dubai INTERESTING FACT/NEWS: INDIA インド男性スキンケア事情「色白は女性にもてる!?」 Saudi Arabia 伊藤 Skincare/ Bodycare

Insight presentation

Transcript: InSight Time Frame Once it launches, the InSight spacecraft will take about six months to arrive on Mars Which it was launched on May 5th and landed on November 26th 2018 Insight Diagram Total missions Insight has one mission and that is to find out more about the core of the red planet. It will hopefully take pictures and they will be sent to NASA About the mission InSight mission is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars The insight lander will study the interior of mars and listen for marsquakes. Now that insight is on mars, you can get a glimpse of how the instruments will be carefully placed on the surface. Pictures of Insight Mission Total Cost ToTAl Cost NASA's budget for the project was $675 million ,But a 2 year delay , Which involved a redesign of the insruments aboard insight , added an extra $150 million in expense bringing the total to $830 million sccording to a NASA news release Facts on Insight InSight — Studying the 'Inner Space' of Mars. InSight, short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, is a Mars lander designed to give the Red Planet its first thorough checkup since it formed 4.5 billion years ago. From did you know that insight will teach us about the inside of mars and heat of mars? Did you know that insight sent photos of mars on its first day. More intersting facts More fun facts Before settling on the Elysium Planitia, an extensive lava plain near the equator, the spacecraft slammed into the Martian atmosphere 12,300 mph. Thank you for watching

Insight Presentation

Transcript: INSIGHT EUAN HERBERT What is Insight? Insight into Insight Insight is an interior design app, which has a range of different interior design features such as Photo Galleries and Rendering modes. The app is designed to allow users to design their home virtually, without spending a penny. Why we made the app Why was the app created The Insight app was designed as their is a gap in the market for an app like this, where users can virtually design their home and gain inspiration. This app is able to virtualise, inspire and motivate the audience to create and design their dream home. Potential target markets The potential target market for the app would be users in the age range of 18-30 as most tend to be buying/moving houses, who are good with technology. Potential Target Markets Preliminary Designs PRELIMINARY STAGES In the beginning, I started designing ideas that my client was looking for. I used a combination of client feedback along with survey results to ensure I could come out with the best possible outcome for the app. I created a set of preliminary designs to gain an idea of what Insight would become. Preliminary designs Some Preliminary Designs For these preliminary designs, I was looking to get a grasp of what the app will be like. So I had to gain feedback from clients and surveys. This meant I could find the color schemes and themes for the app. Feedback and Surveys Gaining Feedback and surveys. I used a focus group of pupils in my class to gain feedback on who might be interested in the app and what they might like to see in it. I also used surveys to gain feedback on what app features might not be useful or will not be of use. This helped to find the best outcome for the app. I also used my client to gain feedback, so i could integrate their needs with the public feedback to get the best outcome for the app. Inside the App My app includes - Initial loading page - This page will load into the home screen, which can take you to all the other available pages. - Insight color's are blue and white primarily. Next Pages Home page & Photo library Home Page The home page is the first page where the user will be greeted with, where they can choose to go to any other page from their. The user can further go to the photo library, which is a very large photo bank of images to give inspiration to users. Photo Library Further Pages 1. 2. This floor plan layout page allows the user to design a floor plan, and further decorate the interior to see sizes and what could go where, without having to leave their home. Further app features 3. This is the users custom profile page. On here, they can save photos and renders they might like or want to view later. They can also customize profile pictures etc. On the photo mode page, users can take a photo of their own home which can further let them add a photo into the photo library. This allows users to share their creative ideas with the rest of the community. Extra Feature 4. The 3-D render page is a page where the user can let loose, and design their room with no care about budget or mistake, as they can place furniture and simply delete it if they do not like it. This is a virtual room designer so the user can visualize their ideas and bring them to life without spending money. Further app features CONCLUSION QUESTIONS To conclude, The app insight has come through a long development stage to come up with this final design, which both myself and my client are very pleased with. Thank you for listening, any Questions?

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