Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:02 - 00:02
Hello, boys and girls.
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How are you today?
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We will be learning about maps on dhe models.
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We will learn, and we were recognized that maps can
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be used to locate and identify places.
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We will identify the parts of the map, including the
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title, Compass, Rose, legend and symbols.
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We will identify a model as a small version off
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a real thing.
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We will compare and contrast a model, a picture and
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a map.
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A map has different parts.
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A titan tells the maps.
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Main idea.
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The points on a compass rose show, cardinal direction.
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The instance for North.
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The assistance for south the E stands for east on
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dhe, the W stands for West.
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A map symbol is a picture that stands for a
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real thing.
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The legend or key tells what the symbols on the
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map mean.
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So compass Rose show cardinal directions on a map.
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A symbol is a picture that stands for a real
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thing or a real picture.
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A legend is a key that tells what symbols on
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the map mean.
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If you look at the blue picture here, you will
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see the map key here on the right side and
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every picture you will understand the meaning of it and
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what it stands for.
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What is a compass?
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Rose? The compass rose show the four Cardinal directions.
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What is another word for missions?
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Legend means key.
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The key here.
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Every map must have a key or a legend.
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You can build a model off your community.
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It will look similar to you re community, but the
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model will be much smaller in size or scale.
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I want you to remember this word.
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Scale means size.
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This is called a three D model, So if you
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look at the picture here, you have a modern of
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the house and model.
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It's not flat like a map, a map on the
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picture till the same story as a model.
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They look like a model, but they are flat.
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You can hang a map or a picture on a
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wall. This will not change where each place is located
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in the community.
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So again, a modern is a three dimensional version off
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something, but it is much smaller.
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What is a model?
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Let's answer these questions together.
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It's a copy off something, but it is not smaller.
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What does the word scale mean?
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It means the size.
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So remember, scale is the size.
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How do maps help?
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You know what the world is like.
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Maps can help us know what the world is like
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because they show what a part off the world looks
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like from above.
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Look here.
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You have a model off the house and you have
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a map off the house.
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So we need to compare and contrast between model A
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map and a real picture.
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Let's read the question.
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How a model is similar to a map or a
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picture, right?
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How they are different.
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The similarity here They show the same thing.
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The difference.
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A map and a picture are flat.
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A model is not flat.
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It is a three d dimension.
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Thank you, everyone for listening.
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And I hope you enjoyed today's lesson.