Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, My name's Isler Bronze, and today I'll be explaining
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my transactions.
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The transactions I was given was Transaction five and seven.
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To begin with is my balance sheet for transaction five.
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So, in order to launch a new product or company
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decided to invest in new bottling equipment which cost 450,000
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euros paid in cash, therefore arm.
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Since you'll be purchasing new machinery for 450,000 euros in
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cash, you have to remove 450,000 in the cash label,
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which is under assets.
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Therefore, from 590,000 you remove 450,000 so then you will
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have 140,000.
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However, because you have new equipment, you'll be adding 450,000
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euros onto the label off property equipment, which is under
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assets. And the reason for this is because it's the
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thing you are actually investing in.
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Is is, um, the type of equipment and everything is
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under assets because this is the money and the things
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you own.
- 00:58 - 01:01
And since you paid in cash, which you own, and
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since you're getting new property, it goes under your assets
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and the total assets and total liabilities and equity remain
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the same regardless of this transaction, because the the liabilities
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and equity was not touched it all.
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And technically, you are just repositioning the foreign, the 50,000.
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Therefore, everything remains the same, which gives you the total
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off three million, 159 euros.
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Now I'm going to be moving on to my income
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statement. And, um, the reason that I don't have income
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statement is because since the new bottling equipment is a
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new investment, this is not a count as a loss
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for the income statement as the machinery is gained as
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an asset.
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Therefore, it should not affect the income statement and then
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moving on to my cash flow statement for transaction five.
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So, as you can see here, I put in the
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outflow of 450,000 in investing activities.
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Um, because you are investing in this new new equipment,
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therefore is wides and in investing and the reason why
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I added an outflow of 450,000.
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It's because that's how much you invested in the boxing
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equipment, and this also affects it net cash flow because
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there's an outflow in the investing activities and as mentioned,
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if you add or remove something from the activities and
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the cash flow statement you have toe also include that
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in the net cash flow.
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Now I'm gonna be moving on to transaction.
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Seven. Where supermarket Albert Heim just ordered 2000 boxes worth
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40,000 euros for the price of 80,000 euros from your
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lemon lemon.
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A company paid 50,000 in cash and 50,000 and I
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mean sorry, so 50% in cash of 50% on credit,
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not 50,000 since 50 50% is paid by cash and
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on credit.
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This will affect your assets and 80,000 euros, which is
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50% off.
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80,000 will be added onto cash and then another 40,000
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will go under accounts receivable.
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And this is obvious because 50% is paid in cash
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and 50% is paid on credit.
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Because you have increased your assets by 80 thousands, the
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total assets need to be increased by 80,000 as therefore
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making it um, 3,000,239 euros.
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Um, on the other hand, under equity, you need to
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add another 80,000 onto your accumulated retained earnings as you
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have made 80,000 euros.
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Therefore, it should be 770,000 um, euros over there.
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Um and also because you added more onto equity your
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total equities to be added to 80,000 therefore making it
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two million, 270,000 on dhe.
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This also needs to be done for the total liabilities
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and equity in order to make the rounds sheet balance
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where an 80,000 will be added.
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Therefore, making it 3 2,000,003 million 3,439,000 and therefore making
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the balance sheet balanced.
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Now, I'm gonna be moving on to my income statement
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for the transaction.
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Seven. So this transaction also affects the profit loss account.
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But Onley will be affected under sales, and the reason
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for this is because they're no expenses being spent in
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this transaction.
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That's the only thing that will be affected will be
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the sales.
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So since you started off with adventurer E off 40,000
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I mean worth 40,000.
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Um, you made a profit of 40,000 because all behind
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purchaser, 2000 boxes for 80,000 set of 40,000 therefore, is
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why the cost of goods sold is 80,000.
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Um, however, since you sold adventure for 40,000 and you
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gain a profit of 40,000 is is why the net
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profit after taxes is 40,000 not 80,000 because you made
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a profit of 40,000.
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And finally, I'm going to be moving on to my
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cash full statement for transaction seven.
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Since AL behind will be purchasing 80,000 euros.
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Um, for 2000 boxes, this acts as a source of
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revenue, which is why the cash flow is needed.
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Therefore, um, this would go under operating activities because this
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is the money you made whilst operating your business.
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Um, where the inflow will be 80,000 years.
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Because that's how much you made from selling your your
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boxes to all behind.
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And this also affected net cash flow because you received
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an extra 80,000 euros and as mentioned, if you add
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or decrease anything from the activities on a cash flow
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statement, you need to be applying it the exact same
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way for net cash flow.
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And yes, they This is my recording for my transactions
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and thank you