Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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This is James and Harden and I chose to do my course project on the space race.
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For the conceptual piece of this project,
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I decided to make a timeline of all the
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important events that happened during the space race.
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The space race was a battle during the Cold War
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era between the Soviet Union and the United States.
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Basically a race to
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advance space technology and accomplish a number of firsts.
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So to start off in the timeline
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on October 4th, 1957
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the space race started with the Soviet Union launching Sputnik one,
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the world's first artificial satellite
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and below.
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I included a primary source picture of an American
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political cartoon titled Another Race We Can Lose.
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This cartoon basically represents
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America's anguish at the time over the Soviets accomplishment.
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And in the picture, there's a bag of money
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that says money, aid to India
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and that kind of represents
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how at this time, the warm
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the relationship between the Soviet Union and India was warming. And earlier
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in time, India was a neutral country.
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So next on November 3rd, 1957
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the Soviet Union launches Sputnik two carrying like the dog
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who becomes the first animal to orbit Earth.
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And down below is another primary source
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of a 1959 cigarette trading card featuring like
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on January 31st, 1958
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the United States launches its first satellite
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explorer one.
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And then down down below is a model from a few years later of explorer one.
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On October 1st 1958
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America kind of advances their chase
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keep um exploring space
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by developing NASA
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in the United States.
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And then on April 12th, 1961 the Soviets
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achieved another first by having the first human in space with Yuri
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who completes one orbit around earth on Vostok.
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down below is an American political cartoon of Yuri
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and it basically represents America's concern about another Soviet win.
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Next May 5th, 1961 Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space
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aboard the freedom seven mercury capsule.
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So as you can tell,
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it's kind of going back and forth and we'll
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continue to do so throughout the space race.
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Next February 20th, 1962 John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit Earth.
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Um He did three orbits
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on the Friendship Seven Mercury mission
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on June 16th 1963.
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The Soviet
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becomes the first woman in space orbiting earth 48 times on the
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Vostok six mission
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on March 18th, 1965. A Soviet
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conducts the first spacewalk during the Vos
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cod two mission
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on June 3rd, 1965
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Edward white becomes the first American to perform
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a spacewalk on the Gemini four mission.
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So we caught up to them once again
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on December 15th, 1965
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US, Gemini six A and Gemini seven performed the first space rendezvous
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between two crude spacecraft
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on March 16th, 1966 US.
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Gemini eight achieves the first docking between two
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spacecraft which is an essential skill for future
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missions to the moon.
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Then on December 24th and 25th of 1968 us Apollo eight orbits the moon
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becoming the first humans to see the far side of the moon.
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This was a huge mission as it provided skills for
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later when
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for Apollo 11.
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So on July 20th, 1969 us Apollo 11 astronauts Neon
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Aldrin become the first humans to set foot on the moon
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while Michael Collins orbits above
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and then below is a picture
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a screenshot from the footage
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of um
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Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon,
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placing the American flag into the moon
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December 1972.
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US. Apollo 17 marks the last manned mission to the moon during the space race era.
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So technically, this is the end of the space race,
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but most people would consider Apollo 11 to be the final victory,
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the final US victory of the space race
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and then now post space race.
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Um This is a 1998 diagram of
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the International Space station and the countries involved
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this kind of just shows how,
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how much progress all the countries have made to work together internationally
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and have this space station that allows them all to advance
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advance science and
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maybe humanity as well.
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yeah, that's pretty much it, that wraps it all up.