Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, class.
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My name is Tyler Journal, and I'm here to talk
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to you today about the history of the triathlon.
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The modern triathlon was first held in San Diego, California,
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at Mission Bay.
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According to Scott Tinley, a traveling historian, the travel on
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could be traced back to 19 twenties France to a
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race called Sports.
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The first modern travel in was held on September 25
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1974. An early triathlon style event can be traced back
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to his early as 1901 Here we see a commemorative
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plaque at the birthplace of the triathlon in Mission Bay.
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The modern travel on was the brainchild of Jack Johnstone
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and Don Shanahan.
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The event was put on by the San Diego Track
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Club. In his first picture, we see Jack Johnstone with
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the winner, the first winner of the first modern triathlon,
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and this next picture we see Don Shanahan on the
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day of the first triathlon, directing triathletes for the event.
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Now Dave Scott, who is a traveling in himself, Dave
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Scott, was an amazing traffic eat that competed in the
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Ironman version of the traffic on Dave the Man.
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Scott was the Ironman world champion six times and that's
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a picture of Dave right there changes over time.
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So the travel on received many changes over time, leading
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to what it is today.
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Today there are a few different travel in length, including
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the sprint, double, Olympic distance, half Ironman and Ironman.
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This doesn't include all the shorter sprints and longer versions
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of the travel on the original travel on costs just
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$1 to participate, but now events can cost over $100
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to participate.
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Original distance for the triathlon was composed of a 10
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kilometer run, eight kilometer cycle and 500 m from today.
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The standard distance is a 10 kilometer run, 40 kilometers
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cycle and 1.5 kilometers swim.
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The 2000 Sydney, Australia Olympic Games adopted traveling as an
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official Olympic sport, creating the sport to go more national
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or international.
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Some fun fax while competing in the Ironman version of
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the traf one travel eight skin burn over 10,000 calories
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The traffic lights can track.
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Fleets have been known to pee themselves during the race.
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The first modern travel on on Lee had 46 participants,
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and here the references and that is a little bit
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of history of the trifling