Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, everyone.
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And welcome to cookies 101 This is your introduction into
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the Girl Scouts in the heart of Pennsylvania Cookie program.
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If you are new to the cookie program, this is
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gonna be a great overview of what happens during the
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cookie season.
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Learn and you can view your training there.
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So let's get started with meeting our cookies.
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Now, If you have grown up with the Girl Scout
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cookies and you remember buying them, you might remember them
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as different names.
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And that is because there are two different bakers that
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make Girl Scout cookies throughout the country.
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Girl Scouts in the heart of Pennsylvania, Partners with Little
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Brownie Baker.
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And so these are eight flavors that we will be
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selling this year during the Girl Scout cookie season.
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We have lemon ups, which were a new cookie introduced
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to us last year.
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The tree foils, which is a favorite, um, and is
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a shortbread cookie doe.
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See Doe, which is an oatmeal cookie with peanut butter
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filling OAS, which is the coconut caramel cookie.
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The Tagalongs which is the peanut butter patty cookie essentially,
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and you may have not known this, but it is
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actually made with the same peanut butter found receipts, peanut
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butter cups.
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And then, of course, you have the thin mints.
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These are by far our number one sellers.
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Every year they make up 30% of our sales, and
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we don't anticipate that changing anytime soon.
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We know that customers love those things meant so those
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are what we call our traditional flavors of cookies.
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They are $4 a package again for this year, and
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they are definitely crowd favorite.
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We also have our specialty flavors, which are $5 active
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now. The reason that there is an increase on the
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prices of these cookies is because the process to bake
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them is a little bit more involved.
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So we have our Girl Scouts more cookie, which is
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made of all natural ingredients.
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That means they have to use twice the amount of
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ingredients Thio make sure that the flavor comes through.
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Then we have our toffee tastic cookie.
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Is are gluten free option, which we are so excited
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to be able to provide for customers who are gluten
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free But of course, as we all know, those ingredients
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tend to be a little bit more expensive as well.
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So that is why you see, um, the two different
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prices for our cookies every year we have a theme
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for the cookie program.
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This is a fun way to keep the girls excited
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and engaged in the program.
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There's always a mascot, so you might have already guessed
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it. But we have hope the horse as our mascot
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for this year.
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And our theme is we've got this.
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What's really great is that the baker decided on this
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team two years ago.
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But what a perfect theme for our girls are volunteers,
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our customers, everyone involved to remind ourselves that no matter
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what comes our way, we've got this, all right.
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Next we're going to go through how the girls can
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participate in the cookie program.
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There are so many different options available to the girls.
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And what we love to see is when girls come
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up with creative ideas of their own.
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So these are the three primary ways that we have
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girls selling cookies throughout this season.
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The first is what we call the initial order.
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This is when the Girl Scout has their order card
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in hand, they don't have the cookies yet, but they're
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collecting orders from customers marking it down on their order
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card. And then they will submit that order card to
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their troops, uh, cookie volunteer in mid February that gets
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turned into the baker.
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And then in mid March, those cookies arrive and the
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girl can deliver the cookies to the customers and collect
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payment at that time.
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Next, we have our direct sale that is going to
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start in mid March, when all of those cookies come
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in. What's different about this phase is that the girls
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will have cookies on hand.
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We have so many wonderful, wonderful volunteers that manage cookie
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cupboards throughout our council, and this is a great way
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for girls to get more cookies locally so that they
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can continue to sell in addition to what they collected
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in their initial order.
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This is a really great opportunities for girls.
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We have lots of great resource is so whether girls
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are going to be virtual or in person.
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Come this march, we are prepared, and we're so excited
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to see how our girls once again a rise to
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the challenge of getting Girl Scout cookies sold, and then
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the last phase is our online program.
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Now the online program goes through the entire cookie season,
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so it will begin in January at the beginning of
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our program, and it will go all the way until
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the end of the program in evil.
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So at any point girls me selling Girl Scout cookies
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online, the platform that is used is called digital Cookie.
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What's really great is girls can create for site, and
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they'll have a unique link assigned to them that they
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can send out to customers.
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When the customer's click on the link, they have two
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options. They can either have the cookies delivered straight to
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them and pay for an additional shipping fee.
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Or they can have, um, the girls deliver the cookies
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to them now for the girl delivery option.
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That is a limited opportunity.
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And so the girls will Onley be ableto offer that
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girl delivery option during the initial order.
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And that's January 15th, 2 February 12.
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Like I said, the online program does last the entire
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season. So even once we see that girl delivery option
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go away in February, customers can absolutely still purchase cookies
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online and choose the direct shipped option was also great
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is that customers are given an option to donate cookies
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online. We call it our Gift of Caring donation program,
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and this will be an opportunity to donate cookies to
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military troops, families and veterans through the organization.
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Operation Gratitude.
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All right, so that is just an overview.
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Our girls get so creative with how they actually reach
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out to customers.
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We've seen really great cookie parodies cookie videos.
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So we're so excited to see what our girls have
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in store for us this year.
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And, of course, we want to go over how this
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is a rewarding experience for our girls scalps.
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So there's lots of things that the girls earned by
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participating in the cookie program.
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They can, of course, earn rewards.
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And every year our rewards fall in line with the
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theme and the mascot.
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So you'll see lots of course items, lots of positive
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message messaging on the rewards for the girls to earn,
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and we're gonna have some special videos for you to
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feature the cookie rewards coming out soon.
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All of the rewards will be found on the girl's
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order cards.
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So if you have any questions about the rewards, they
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receive a different levels.
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Make sure to check out that resource.
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We also have the option for girls to earn God.
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Oh, this is essentially Girl Scout cash.
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So if there is something that a girl wants to
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do that is related to her Girl Scout experience, she
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can use go door gado toward that experience.
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So whether it's a troop activity or she wants to
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buy something on the G s, use a shop, she
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can use her go dough for that.
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And then the girls are also earning true proceeds every
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time they sell a package of cookies.
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So the troops retain a portion of the proceeds, and
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that benefits the truth as a whole.
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So we know that maybe there's not as much going
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on as faras trips right now, but what's really great
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is that the girls can be budgeting and working together
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to come up future plans for their Now this is
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our SMORES executive Club.
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These Girl Scouts who are in this Morse Executive Club
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are are entrepreneurs that just do an incredible job with
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both the Fall Fundraiser program and the Girl Scout cookie
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program. They have to reach $500 in the Fall Fundraiser
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program, and they have to sell 625 packages during the
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cookie program.
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Once they meet these two requirements, they become a SMORES
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executive. The club is designed to celebrate and recognize their
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achievements and really, um, invest in the wisdom that they
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have and be able to share that with all Girl
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scouts. This year, the rewards for being in the Sports
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Executive Club will be an automatic renewal for the 2022
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membership year.
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A customized more's executive club gift, early access to resident
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camp registration.
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And we hope to have some fun in person events
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where the girls will be able to meet the G
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S H p a c e o Bennett Donovan.
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We're really excited, Thio See, uh, this club grow every
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year and can't wait to see who are s'mores.
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Executives are for the upcoming year.
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So that is the cookie 101 overview.
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We hope this gives you a better idea of the
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cookie program as a whole.
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We will have a lot more trainings available for you
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as the cookie season rolls out and we're excited to
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be partnering with you.
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Bring this experience.
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Thanks so much.
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