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this is less than 4.1 ecosystems.
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Everything is connected apart.
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One. When we talk about this lesson, we we distinguish
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between biotic and idiotic factors and ecosystem.
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We're going to describe how a population differs from a
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species were.
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Then we're gonna explain how habitats are important for organisms.
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Let's start with those objectives.
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First of all, what is on ecosystem on ecosystem is
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all of the organisms living in an area together with
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their physical properties.
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On oak forest is an ecosystem.
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A coral reef is an ecosystem, By the way, these
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two they can come to you in any multiple choice
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questions. So coral, reef or forest, our ecosystem even a
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vacant lot.
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Also, this is one of the questions gonna have it
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in any able to be choice questions in the future.
- 00:59 - 01:01
Uh, ecosystems are connected.
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People often think off ecosystem as isolated from each other,
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but ecosystems do not have clear boundaries.
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Things move from one ecosystem into another.
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Soil washes from a mountain into a lake.
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Birds migrate from across the boundaries off miles on, pollen
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blows from a forest into a field.
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Let's introduce the comm parents off.
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Ecosystem on ecosystem is made up off both living and
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non living things we can call the living as biotic
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factors are the living on once living things parts off
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an ecosystem such as plants, animals, lives, waste even it's
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a biotic thing.
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A biotic factors are the non living parts off an
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ecosystem such as air, water, rocks, sunlight, sanity, the PH,
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the wind.
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All of these are a biotic factors.
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In order to survive, ecosystem needs certain basic components.
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These are energy, mineral nutrients, carbon dioxide, water, oxygen and
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living organisms.
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Plants and soil are two off the obvious components off
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most land ecosystem.
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The energy is most ecosystem comes from the sun.
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This is one of the multiple choices that you might
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have it in any coming test.
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To appreciate how all of the things in an ecosystem
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are connected.
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Think about how a car can work the engine a
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little made up off hundreds off parts that all work
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together. If even one part breaks, the car might not
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run. Likewise, if one part often ecosystem is destroyed or
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change, the entire system will be affected.
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Now organization and on ecosystem.
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Let's have a look.
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The organization now, as you can see this flow chart
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or conceptual chart graphic.
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It can consist off the lowest one, which is the
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organism is an individual living things.
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You are an organism, as in an ant crawling across
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the floor on ivy Plant on the wind.
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Uh huh.
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When Mel and a bacterium in your intestine organisms have
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a rule, andan interact in an ecosystem shows how an
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ecosystem fits into the organization.
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Off living things.
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A species is a group of organisms that can made
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to produce fertile off offspring.
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All humans, for example, are members off the species home
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safest. All black widow spiders are members off the species.
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Latour adults.
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Now, when we talk about the population, members of the
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species may not all live in the same place.
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Filled mice in Maine on field mice in Florida will
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never interact, even though they are members off the same
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species on organism lives as part off a population of
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population is a group off the same species that live
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in the same place.
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For example, all the field mice in a corn fields
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make up one population.
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Off field mice on important characteristic off population is that
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its members usually breed with one another rather than with
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a member off other populations lost another East Here.
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When we talk about communities, we we say every population
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is part of a community.
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It means a group of various species that live in
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the same place and interact with each other.
- 04:55 - 05:00
Ah, community differs from an ecosystem because community includes Onley,
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the biotic components a bond community, for example, includes all
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the population off plants, fish and insects and live in
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and around the bond.
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All of the living things in an ecosystem belong toe
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one or more communities.
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Communities differs in the type off members or number of
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species they live.
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Ah, land community is often characterized by the type of
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plan that are dominant.
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Let's say, let's talk about the plants, determine the other
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organisms that can live in this even community.
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The last thing here when we talk about habitat the
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squatters mentioned above lived in a pine forest.
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So happy that's the place where organisms live.
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Ah, nde.
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How their monkey habitat is the rain for four east
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and the captives habitat is the desert.
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Thank you for listening