Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello everyone.
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My name is Guillermo Lopez.
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I'm about to present one of the most iconic structures in the United States.
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It is located in san Francisco California,
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the Golden Gate bridge.
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When construction on the Golden Gate bridge originally started,
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many people said it was absurd
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to try to
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to build a bridge that would spend the golden gate strait
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Joseph Joseph, Bees Ross was chosen as chief engineer in 1929
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Out of bits
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made by 11 of the nation's top engineering companies.
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The initial straws design was analyzed
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by consultant architects who hypothesize along
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expand suspension bridge.
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My traverses straight.
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Numerous engineers reviewed the blueprint and they all
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agree that it could be built this presentation.
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We'll discuss the constructors,
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structural challenges and the innovative solutions.
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So let's get started with safety
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S ross was very strict about making sure everyone was safe while building.
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During this period,
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straws, contracted,
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contracted with a local safety manufacturer to
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produce helmets for construction crew to wear.
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It was the very first version of the hard head
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that would become standard equipment for construction workers.
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The nervous net under the bridge throughout the building was also a remarkable,
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remarkable safety innovation.
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19 people lives
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where spare created goes to this net
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while it is being built,
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Although it was predicted that
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35 people will lose their lives
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during construction,
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Only 11 people perish due to the measures taken to ensure their self safety
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Each tower was set on a concrete pier that extended into the ground
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blasting and
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an excavation methods were used to dig
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the first hold for the north tower's installation on on land.
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The pier was subsequently constructed to provide a tower
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a surface of 64 ft ft above the water.
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The south tower, however, poza insurmountable obstacle
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in insulation. The construction of this structure took
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a whole year because its location was
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110 ft below sea level. It's spear
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had to be bolted directly to the in the underlying rock.
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Solid tights and winds were needed throughout the construction.
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To improve this task,
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divers had to make several risky dives
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into the water.
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In addition to mining and blasting under the sea,
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engineers needed to create a framework
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to hold and safe safeguard construction workers
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and below the waterline,
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they devised a building that resemble a track around the football field.
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In planning section, it was 100 and 10 ft deep,
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sufficient to withstand the water pressure at the foot of
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the towers and the tremendous tremendous waves in the harbor.
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Once the water was pumped out,
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the tower could be raised to the same height as the one on the north end,
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64 ft above the ground.
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Then we have
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the paint, the type of paint
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since its exception vermillion International Orange has
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been used as the official paint color.
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That issue of the bridge color was a headache for years
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due to the oxidation of the metal used for construction.
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Bad weather was also influencing the rate of corruption and paying building.
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In 1965 deterioration forced the removal of the previous
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pain and in its replacement and inorganic sink,
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silicate primer and an acrylic emotion top coat
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were applied to the safeguard to the bridge.
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After 30 years of development staff still fine tune this breakthrough.
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The bridge
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Was finished in April 1937, costing over 1.3 million less than expected.
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All of the new ideas and methods developed
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for this bridge, what are still used as a reference
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by bridge engineers Today,
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the paint change solves the challenge of rusting and corruption of the metal use.