- 2x
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- 1x, selected

- 100:00 - 00:34
TJL Management Services Commercial Cleaning
- 200:34 - 01:15
Chapter 2
- 301:15 - 01:38
- 401:38 - 02:08
work desk
- 502:08 - 02:44
Desk area is somewhere that you spend a great deal of time.
- 602:44 - 02:47
Chapter 6
- 702:47 - 03:07
Visualisation has been released showing how a host of germs are harbouring on desk spaces
- 803:07 - 03:15
New Research Reveals, Average desk contains 400 times more germs than a toilet seats.
- 903:15 - 03:25
The research revealed that more than 2/3 of office workers are at risk of sickness due to dirty desk
- 1003:25 - 03:34
we are likely to place everything onto your desk, whether your phone, pen or even food.
- 1103:34 - 03:44
Your desk become a breading ground for bug, and you accidentally expose yourself to illness.
- 1203:44 - 03:50
That's why it is so important to clean regularly to avoid getting ill.
- 1303:50 - 04:02
Simple way to do this is to clean your desk at least twice a week.
- 1404:02 - 04:27
Chapter 14
- 1504:27 - 04:40
add in Dettol for all the surface cleaning
- 1604:40 - 04:55
Variaty of Office Cleaning Package: 1.Monthly 2. Bi weekly
- 1704:55 - 05:15
USP 1. Client's need is our priority. 2. Think of client 's perspective. 3. Royalty to our client
- 1805:15 - 05:25
Call or whatapps 016-7789487 Advance Booking
- 1905:25 - 05:34
Chapter 19