Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Good evening BSC two B and Good evening sir Youtube.
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what I'm going to present is about the human condition before common era.
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Um, this is actually included also in the science,
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technology and society as a way of revealing.
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So without further ado, let's proceed to
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my laptop.
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You can see
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my personal.
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That's right.
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Mm hmm,
- 00:44 - 00:45
mm hmm.
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There you go.
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That's the game.
- 01:01 - 01:02
That's the teacher.
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The human delusion is an important part of our understanding of literature.
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Literary critics often labeled a piece of writing as literature
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and not protection
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if it tries to describe this human condition. Essentially
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the discussion of the human condition is and it's cinematics, concern
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about human nature, human society or how we live our lives.
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In other ways, it's about the fundamental issues of human existence.
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One of literature's etcetera Liz um,
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central concerns is to comment on these issues.
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It might be validated
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at it
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than psychology
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or philosophy
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for the desired learning outcomes. At the end of the lesson
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you should be able or the students,
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we'll be able to
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explain the concept of human condition
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before science and technology.
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identify the changes that happen in human condition after science and technology.
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And for the last
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main ways on how technology aided in building the truth
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start with introduction,
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comparing the lives of the people before and now will
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make anyone realize the changes that happen in society,
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not just in terms of culture,
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language or rights,
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but more
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changes in people's way of life due to the existence of science and technology.
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The term generation God is attributed mainly
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to the changes brought by the technology.
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the original idea is for technology to help anyone.
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It it can cannot be denied rather today
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not everyone is comfortable in using different kinds of technologies.
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Mostly those who belong to older generations I think.
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But these technologies are too complicated.
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They have been used to simple living in the past and this available technology,
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technological devices
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though very appealing
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a difficult person to death.
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Let's start with the human condition before common era.
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As it is difficult to pinpoint
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the particular period where technology is said to have started.
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one can say that at the very list
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motivation to make things easier has been around since the ones are
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like for example
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all my regulars have been using far
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to cook
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the, achieving one
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link over the other
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to produce a spark
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all the while without realizing the loss of friction and heat.
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So they're actually referring about, you know the
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flint or friction between the two stones.
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Uh huh.
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- 04:43 - 04:44
- 04:45 - 04:47
So as you can see, look at those faces,
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these are the faces of the
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homo erectus
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like um
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Charles Darwin said
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in his book the U. N. Actually came from
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A lot of things
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carl started watching him.
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This is only according to his
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- 05:20 - 05:20
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who's from stone and flint
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the era
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of stone. Each
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But those are just those
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as you can see.
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Those are
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made up of those and other
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mm hmm,
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made by
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during the study.
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They're actually using it for
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for their weapons and
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but they themselves
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it tells rather and um they use it for there to hunt.
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I know for their everyday
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for their daily food.
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Homo sapiens and human being done
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Sharpened Stone as one
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would a knife.
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An example of this is a simple machine called which
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she can see also to look at the picture.
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Um There are quite now
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they're they're they're they're so hairy
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and um
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it was
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a little bit more
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What about this?
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There's a little bit more changes from their physical appearance.
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There there there there are no more
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um like human looking like a human.
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This is.
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uh curtains made by them.
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Excuse me.
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- 07:17 - 07:18
There is a little
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to now account except for several games
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droppings and on earth artifacts from various parts of the world
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innovate how their culture came to be.
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If it then proves that there is a little capacity from our ancestors
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to particulate and perceive things outside
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themselves in a more reflective manner.
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Sure enough people discovered minerals and begin foraging metalwork
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including an animal skin are primarily used for comfort against cars,
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wind and gradually they added several
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more than their governments
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perfectly shaped bones are aware
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as oops, sorry
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as a trophy.
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And then perhaps proud to show
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of their hunt.
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But as a hunter
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they were.
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So as you can see the clothes made by, made from the skin of the animals.
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First made from, from the animals they hunted.
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serve as their food.
- 08:36 - 08:38
Um and actually um
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give them a life, you know.
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Um and then survive
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excavation on the latter half of the stone age. Thought to the ceremonial
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meaning that perhaps people of that time had also painstakingly
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wrought and you'd set figures in honor of some dating.
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Mm hmm.
- 09:00 - 09:01
So it's
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kind of
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uh these are
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the curve is that they used to be um
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their deities or
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things to start off or
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mm hmm.
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To adore like it scares us. Their goddess gods.
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Um for the summary and conclusion of this topic
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in modern times,
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there are different technological advancements in all forms and
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Maybe inside
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the home
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learning place or simply on the streets.
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It's now very accessible to almost anyone in the world.
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It is not completely impossible to say that each
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person in the world owns at least one technological devices
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technology is not enclosed,
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sensitive and high end devices.
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It's still small,
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simple type of machines that can perform simple tasks
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and already because
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a form of technology.
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its usefulness and beneficial characteristics,
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there are skills and problems faced by the different technological address mints
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more specific. These problems are ethical but involved not only the machine
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but also
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what kind
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it is not impossible for technology and humanity
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not to cross spot Because assam would argue,
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technology has become a necessity
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for people
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and the end of the day,
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as they should still be forced in the field of technology,
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secure safety and morality of this device is to people
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and that's the end of my life.
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My topic.
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Thank you very much for listening
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this is the name, Gosh, this marks the second
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good evening.