Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Now let's move to the grammatical category of case and
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synthetic languages that is, languages with inflections like Slovak.
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This grammatical category has six or seven members when we
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look at the Slovak, a system we see for inflections.
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But when we look at the English case system, there
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is a zero inflection in every single case, except for
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the journey to in English.
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We express case relations, either through prepositions or it's fixed
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position in the sentence.
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During its development, English went through different stages.
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All English was an inflection, a language with all different
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inflections. It had four cases with inflected forms for these
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cases during the course of development, announced lost their endings.
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And that's why, in present day English, we make use.
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Oh, other means, not inflections.
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The only exception is, as in the genital.
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This is a direct continuation of old English genital ending.
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But it's not a true inflection.
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Since it is added to the noun through the apostrophe,
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it is not part of a known as a single
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word. This is the case of Klytus rather than inflection.
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As a result of changes during the development of English
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present day grammatical category of case is a binary category.
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It has two members come in, and Jenny two cases
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Common case is exactly what it is called.
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It is not really a case.
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It is not outwardly manifested in the form of a
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noun. This is just a cover term for any now
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that is not inflection Aly marked.
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So when we look at announce itself, we know nothing
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of its function in a sentence.
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We'll learn it only through its position in the sentence
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or a proposition that accompanies it.
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The genital case fulfils all different functions.
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We can express possession, characteristics, description, relationship, purpose, origin, et
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cetera. We also come across the term possessive case.
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But the term genital case is much broader in function.
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Regarding the forum, we have two types of genital case
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sex and journey to and off journey to Saxon genital
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uses the apostrophe plus clinic s and of generative uses
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proposition of notice The usage of the apostrophe and s
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for a singular and plural noun and pronounce ending in
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S Saxon janitor is primarily used with an with an
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animate processor, for example, Peter's brother Peter's car bees sting
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in Peter's brother.
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Both nuns are animate in Peter's car.
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The possessor is an enemy down so we can use
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Saxon genital in a basis.
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Stink b is animate, stink inanimate.
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The possessor is animate so we can use Saxon janitor.
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Animate possessor is understood as implying both people and animals.
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Further examples, including the usage of Saxon janitor, is time
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reference, for example, a day's trip or some fixed phrases
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like for goodness sake.
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The basic difference between Saxon generative and opportunity is that
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Saxon genital is used with an image possessor and of
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genital with an inanimate possessor.
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So we cannot say tables leg.
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But we have to say the leg of a table
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or we can say table like.
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But this is not the expression of genital case.
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This is a compound noun.
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In the coming case, it is just an alternative to
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an off phrase.
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There is a situation when Saxon generative and of generative
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are interchangeable.
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This is when the clinic s indicates ownership or geographical
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reference. For example, a man's voice, the voice of a
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man. Kids, poetry, the poetry of kids, America's policy, the
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policy of America.
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The double journey to is a little difficult to understand
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because some grammarians consider this form correct?
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Others Not much.
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So it expresses one out of several that we have
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in possession.
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A friend of my father's means, one of my father's
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friends, a play of Shakespeare's means, one of place that
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Shakespeare wrote.
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Why do we need this for?
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There are some situations when using Janitor might be ambiguous.
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For example, when I say Jane's photo, I may mean
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two things.
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Either that this photo is in James Possession or that
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Jane is in this photo to make the things clear.
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To express a session we use Double Janitor.
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A photo of jeans makes it clear that we are
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talking about what she has in possession.
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The double Juanito is called double genital because there is
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proposition of indicating of genital and apostrophe plus s indicating
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Saxon genital or a possessive pronoun mine, as in a
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friend of mine, the group Danity represents a noun phrase
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when more than one word is followed by Saxon janitor.
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This sex and genital refers to the whole phrase.
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For example, the teacher of music room.
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When I say Peter and false parents, I mean that
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Peter and Paul are brothers.
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If I said Peters and pulse parents.
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That would mean two different couples.
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Peter's parents and polls parents.
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The independent genital implies the usage of the janitor without
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the noun to follow the possessor.
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Her memory is like elephants.
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The word memory is missing because we can infer what
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is expressed.
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Don't touch those trophies.
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They are my sons.
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Instead of independent genital, we can use possessive pronouns like
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hers. Mine is there's etcetera.
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The local genital is about phrases expressing places, but the
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place itself is missing.
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For example, we'll meet at bills we actually imply will
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meet at Bill's place.
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I buy meat and Johnson's.
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What we imply is store.
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I need to go to the doctors.
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What I mean is office.
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We have to distinguish between two situations.
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When I say a girl's head, I mean ahead.
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Belonging to a girl So pet is pre modified by
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the word by the word girl and girl is pre
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modified by a, uh determines the immediate noun that follows
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it. When possession is expressed in the girls' heads, we
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mean heads owned by specific girls.
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The same happens when we talk about the parts of
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the body.
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For example, cricket ears are on its front legs.
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Even though ears is plural, it is okay to use
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a as refers to cricket, not two ears.
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A different situation occurs when we express description.
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A girl's school is a school for girls.
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So here girls functions as an adjective.
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It expresses a type of school.
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It is okay to use, uh even though girls explore
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all as, uh refers to school, not to girls.
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So please pay special attention to the usage of articles
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with the genital case.
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So we finished our discussion of morphological categories of nuns.