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Chapter 1
Current Time 0:00
Duration 6:49
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Audio Transcript Auto-generated

  • 00:01 - 00:05

    Hello Athens christian school. My name is brad Brown. I'm the dean of students here.

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    I wanted to welcome you to the 2022 2023 school year.

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    We're really excited about this year.

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    We will have over 100 new students on campus and I

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    cannot wait to see how you impact our community here.

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    I want to take a moment and just give you some new updates that are happening here at A.

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    C. S. There's been a few changes over this summer and just want to be uh

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    informing you and communicating with you parents

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    and students about some of these changes so

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    you're aware and so you may be able to ask some questions for us.

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    First and foremost, we will have new school hours.

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    We have shortened the school day by one class period,

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    an effort to promote better student learning and retention.

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    Uh the school day will now be from 7:55 a.m. And we will now be

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    getting out at 2:45 p.m. The school beginning of the day stays the same,

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    but we will no longer be getting out at 3 15 but it's 2 45.

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    so parents as you are scheduling student pickups,

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    please be aware that new time change.

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    If you have a student who is unable to get picked

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    up at 2 45 we have after school supervision for them.

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    It is our desire here at a. C.

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    S to make sure that students are in a safe

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    environment and supervised both on campus during school and after school

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    for a student that is not an athlete or theater or chorus or band,

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    We have two options for them, there's homework helper which is $165 a month.

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    Then you also have extended hours, which is $145 a month.

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    So if a student is unsupervised and they're hanging

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    out in the gym or in a common place,

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    they will be escorted to extended hours and the charge will be placed on their facts,

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  • 02:06 - 02:11

    Uh, athletes, theater, band, course,

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    these students will report directly to their locations as required.

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    The next thing we wanna talk about is parking here at a CS

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    and this only does affect high school,

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    but this year we are asking that you register your vehicle through

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    a payment form that has been sent sent out earlier this year,

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    there's a $10 fee.

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    This is for the upkeep and repair of the parking lot.

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    And we ask that students would display their decal in

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    the lower left hand corner of their back windshield.

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    This is a safety thing. We want to make sure that

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    cars that are on campus

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    should be here and this is a way to quickly identify it.

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    The next thing I wanna talk about is dress

  • 02:56 - 03:00

    code and while there's always slight changes every year,

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    not too much changes here,

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    but we just want to hit on a couple of points

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    to really emphasize a few things first is boys hair.

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    We're going with the policy that's a little more clear and

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    easier to discern. So boys hairs will be off the ears, off the eyes and off the collar.

  • 03:21 - 03:24

    If a student is to have long hair it is

  • 03:24 - 03:27

    possible that they could put it in a hair restraint,

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    but the new policy moving forward is off the ears, off the eyes and off the collar.

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    Next part about the dress care that's changed is during school hours,

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    hats will not be allowed uh

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    after school, before school hats would be allowed,

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    but during school hours hats are not allowed.

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    Even during class changes.

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    Another area we want to emphasize and this isn't new,

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    but I just really want to emphasize, this is a CS outerwear,

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    students are allowed to wear a CS hoodies and a CS sweatshirts only.

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    So if you have a sweatshirt that is that material, it's not a CS,

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    you would be asked to remove it.

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    So we're having only a CS

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    sweatshirts and hoodies.

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    If you have a jacket or a raincoat that can be taken off once you come inside,

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    that's allowed between the buildings,

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    but once you're inside that jacket or raincoat should be taken off.

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    Last point of emphasis on dress code is P. E. Attire, there's a school uniform for P.

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    E. Classes and

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    students should be dressed in that.

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    This also applies to weight training. If

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    a weight training class, they should have P. E. Attire or team athletic wear as well.

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    These just helps to promote a uniform look here.

  • 04:54 - 04:57

    Next thing we wanna talk about is the changing and grading scale.

  • 04:57 - 05:01

    So in an effort to make our students look more

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    attractive on college transcripts are for colleges and applications,

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    we are now removing Ds from our grading scale.

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    So the new grading scale will be, 100 to 90 will be in a.

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    And 89 2 and 80 will be a,

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    be a 79 to 70 will be a scene and anything below a 70 would be a failing grade.

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    Now I do want to point out that grades are averaged over the entire year.

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    So if a student were to get a 65 in the first semester they could get

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    a 75 during the second semester and that would average out to a passing grade.

  • 05:44 - 05:49

    Next thing we wanna talk about is unexcused absences of more than 10.

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    So if a student misses class and it's unexcused

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    and hasn't been pre approved by the administration.

  • 05:56 - 06:00

    Uh that student would not get credit for the class,

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    they would have to either make up the seat

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    time and the work would just not receive credit.

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    This has been in the handbook but this year we are

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    making more of an effort to promote this attendance in class.

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    The last thing we were talking about is just make sure your charges,

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    you charge your device daily.

  • 06:19 - 06:22

    Uh We wanna make sure that we come to school with

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    a fully charged chromebook and that they're ready to go.

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    A lot of us already have iphones or other cell phones that are being charged at night.

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    It's very easy just to plug them in as well. Uh

  • 06:35 - 06:37

    With that that's all the updates we have,

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    but I just want to say let's have a great year, we're really looking forward to this.

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    2022 2023 school year. I cannot wait to see you all back on campus.

  • 06:46 - 06:48

    Thank you very much and have a great day.