Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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there may not be a larger issue in our society than
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but when it comes to the topic of wellness,
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what are we referring to specifically?
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Because there seems to be many aspects of wellness.
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We often envision somebody with large muscles like
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with a six bag and drinks like it's
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protein shakes or maybe it's our vegan friend who does yoga six days a week.
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And so why we're probably not wrong about these people being somewhat healthy?
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The truth is that nutrition and exercise are
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just one very small part of overall wellness.
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In fact, you probably realized this during the survey. You just took right
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but don't take it from us.
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Before we dive head first into this module,
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we want to spend some time getting to know the dimensions
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of wellness because our mission in this module is to identify
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parts of wellness that we'd like to improve.
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So this will give you the foundation.
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But before we start the task,
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we invite you to read this quick article that discusses our favorite topic,
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habits and it also breaks down the dimensions of wellness.
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So take a quick read at that at the link below
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and also be sure to check out the many other resources
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that we've linked inside of the topic folders about the wellness wheel
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other topics about wellness
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and your task is after reading the article
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and browsing through the articles and videos,
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we invite you to discuss your thoughts
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with your classmates on the discussion board.
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So what are you gonna work on?
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What are parts of your wellness that you feel like you need to focus more on?
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And how are you going to approach the changes that you need to make?
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This is your opportunity to connect with your classmates and talk about
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parts of your life that you would like to improve
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good luck and have fun.