Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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a little Saint Paul community today.
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We're gonna go over the church community builder, also known
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as C C.
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B. A lot of you may be wondering, How did
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I get into it?
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Where do we even start?
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The best thing to do is to start with us.
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Go to ST Paul website.
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You can get there by typing SP Baptist dot or
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GE and to any Web browser.
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The side that comes up should look something like the
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site that's in the top right corner.
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There's gonna be tabs across the top, and one of
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those tabs is attacked called connect.
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When you click on that, it should have a drop
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down. And the last thing in that drop down is
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gonna be CCTV.
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Logan should look something like this.
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Once you've clicked on it should bring you to the
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log in page.
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There will be your log in.
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All you have to do is type in your username
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and password and press log in and you'll be into
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the CCB website.
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Some people have never had to use your name or
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Logan. They're more than welcome to look at our public
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page, which is filled with information for people who are
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not inside the same hole.
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These include public forms finding groups, publicly looking at our
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public calendar to understand that some of the things that
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we have going on and give him Now I know
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a lot of you are wondering what if I have
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never loved in or created a user name or password
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or I forgot my password.
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And that's okay.
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There is an ability for you.
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D'oh! Re create those things or create them for the
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first time.
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Doesn't the bottom of that log in?
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If you've never had an account or you forgot your
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user name, you will click request account.
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If you just simply forgot your password, you can click
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on forgot password once you typed in both the user
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name and password and should bring you to a site
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page that looks like this.
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This is what we call the welcome page.
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It is your home, and it will pop up every
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time. When you Logan on the home page, you can
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see that we have a menu bar to the left,
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some tabs at the top and a couple more things
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over on the right.
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The tabs include this welcome recent activity messages informs, Feel
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free to play and look at that in your free
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time. The mini bar is shown here and includes groups
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serve, give and calendar.
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We'll go over some of these things here in just
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a little bit on the right.
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It will show you the groups that you are currently
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in for this demo profile that I'm using.
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It is only included in two groups.
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The Saint Paul Baptist Church Group, which every single profiles
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included it, and the Practice CCB Group.
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These four marks of the top include the Help center,
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which is a CCP database filled with articles for further
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questions. This next one is how you log off a
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notifications tab with the battle and then how you get
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into your profile So you may have missed that last
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step. How do you get into your approval?
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Ho. Well, you'll click on this little circle here with
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your initials that are in it for this.
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The initials are for the user demo profile.
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Once we clicked on that, it should bring us to
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a paint.
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It looks like this.
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You'll notice that your menu bar remains open.
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You're more than welcome to close that pressing the ellipses
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here at the top, you can always open about God
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by pressing those ellipses again.
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This is you.
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This is how your count should luck.
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Maybe a little bit more information when you Logan important
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information you need to be aware of and that we
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would like to have updated is the contact information, which
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includes things like your address, your email and your phone
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number. Your family, which you can add a picture I
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clicking that button right there.
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And most importantly, we want to make sure that your
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name is spelled correctly.
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So like I said, this profile, his name is demo
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profile, and he does not have a picture in there.
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Your name should be spelled correctly because we have the
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possibility of messing up your information or having the wrong
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person and the wrong account.
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If you don't have these things correct.
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Also, I know it seems unlikely, but a lot of
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people have the same names.
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We are huge church.
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The most important thing you can do is upload a
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picture to your profile.
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We ask that every person does this one complication.
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These two buttons will help you edit your profile as
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well as edit your settings, which is how people or
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things will react with your profile.
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So with the edit profile, this is how you're gonna
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edit your contact information.
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You can feel free to go beyond there.
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This is what that's gonna look like.
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There is a scroll bar, some other important pieces of
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information that we really would like for people to include
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our things like their gender, their birthday, marital status.
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But if you keep scrolling, there's a lot of other
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ways you can have fun with it.
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Another important button on this page is your actions, but
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this will allow you to update what's going on with
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you and how we interact with your profile.
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You're my set button is gonna be a a button
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that allows you to put in your spiritual gifts, but
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this can help us win.
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Trying to find the perfect serving opportunities for you.
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Your communication preferences is probably the most important button and
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your entire profile.
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This is how we update you on information going on
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in our church.
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So this will allow you to tell us how you
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would like that information communicated.
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Do you want text messages.
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Would you like emails for everything that goes on?
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Do you not want?
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He knows for anything that goes on?
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Would you like it to be on Lee?
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Something's we get contact with you about This is probably
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the most important piece for any person to look at.
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That's about it for your profile.
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From here, you can play around with your involvement, which
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will show your activity within the church.
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But moving on from your profile.
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There are other things that you can look at as
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well. The group's tab on the menu bar will allow
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you to see what groups that you are in right
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off the bat.
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Like I said, this profile is only in two groups
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that we see those again once we click on that
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tab. But you wouldn't can also search for groups in
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here. So if you were interested or overheard about a
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group, you can cling in here to search, said Group,
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and you can request to join a private group through
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this. You can also just join a public group if
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you wanted To You.
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The calendar is the next thing I want to go
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over. There are two main calendars that would probably pop
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up on your profile, which is the my calendar.
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This is going to show you any calendar events from
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groups that you're in.
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So currently, this profile is only gonna have worship service
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because it's other calendar, um, has nothing on it.
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The practice CCB calendar does not have any information in
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it, so it just sees the worship service, which every
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my calendar will see.
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The other one that's available is the church wide calendar.
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This one's still under progress.
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We're trying to find what that means to be churchwide
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calendar. I am currently in there is Boy Scouts and
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has your circle is balls like baptism and some other
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things. Very big public events.
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You're more than welcome to always before you log in
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and check out the public calendar.
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If you want to see what kind of classes air
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going on where public events are going on at the
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church, the next one is giving.
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We've all been introduced to this and maybe somewhere another
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you consent of a repeating gift.
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You can choose where your gift is going, where the
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designated area of your gift is going.
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So how are you, um, using your time.
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You can also do you hear my 25 on here?
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If you felt like this was a better route for
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you to go, there's also some tabs at the top.
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You're more than we're going to play with that.
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If you would like serving is a work in progress.
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We're still working on our serving that that is going
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to be a really exciting thing for us in the
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future. So now that you know all this information, what
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do you do with it?
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You should go on to C C, B and explore.
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I'll get your information.
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Put your picture in there.
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That is the most important thing that you could d'oh
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out of here.
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If, if anything at all.
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See if you can figure out more about what's going
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on at the church request to join some groups.
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If you're interested in them and quiz yourself.
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Keep trying to understand how CCB works and how you
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can get more involved with it.
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Always ask questions.
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So what are we looking for in the future?
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We want everybody to understand how CCB works because it's
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only gonna become more and more used.
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The best thing that you could.
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Dio is continuing to maintain an update, your profile or
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the other way around.
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Update your profile first and then continue to maintain it.
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If you do this, you have won half the battle.
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Have fun with CCB.
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It shouldn't be torture, and it shouldn't be something that
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feels like a drag to get into.
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It's a really great resource for you and for us
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as a whole body in Christ.
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This could be an awesome opportunity for us to connect
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with each other.
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Try to use it.
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If you have any questions, you are more than welcome
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to contact need.
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At the church.
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Our number is 3096862086 I appreciate you taking the time
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to watch this.