Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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and welcome today you will be learning about eating disorders
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and dialectical behavior therapy.
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The following presentation will explore how behavior analysis can be
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utilized in the treatment of eating disorders.
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The research discussed throughout this presentation explains how, when used
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as a supplementary approach, dialectical behavior therapy, also known as
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D. V.
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T, has a positive impact on those suffering from eating
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disorders. As a reminder, each sticking out in this presentation
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provides insightful information to ensure you don't miss anything.
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Use the right and left arrows on your keyboard to
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navigate to the next note, you can also follow the
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sticky notes in sequential order.
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Beginning at one, what is an eating disorder.
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Eating disorders involve an obsession with food, weight and appearance.
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This obsession has a negative impact on people's health relationships
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and day to day living.
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In order to be diagnosed with an eating disorder, the
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individual must have distorted eating and psychological disturbance.
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There are three main types of eating disorders we will
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touch on today, anorexia nervosa is the most fatal eating
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disorder. It is characterized by an intense irrational fear of
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gaining weight and having body fat.
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Individuals see themselves as overweight even if they are below
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the normal weight for their age and height.
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People with bulimia experience cycles of binging and purging.
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Binging involves consuming large quantities of food in a very
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short period of time before purging themselves.
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Purging involves self induced vomiting, food deprivation, exercising extensively or
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abusing the use of laxatives, binge eating disorders, also known
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as B.
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E. D.
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Involves people over eating compulsively consuming large amounts of food
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in one sitting similar to the other eating disorders.
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Individuals with B.
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E. D.
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Often feel out of control and powerless.
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Here are some statistics of eating disorders in Canada, courtesy
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of the National eating disorder Information center, nearly one million
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individuals are diagnosed with an eating disorder at any given
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time. While one and two people report knowing someone with
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an eating disorder, 91 of people believe the media sets
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unrealistic expectations for body size and one in three people
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admit they wouldn't recognize signs of an eating disorder in
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someone else.
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Okay, what is dialectical behavior therapy?
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This is an evidence based model of therapy that assists
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people to learn new skills and strategies.
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These strategies involve acceptance and change.
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The standard DVT program requires a minimum of a one
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year commitment, although individuals may seek shorter programs referred to
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as DVT informed programs.
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Typose DVT programs have five components.
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DBT Skills training group is facilitated by a skills therapist
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in a group format.
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These classes take place once a week and teach mindfulness
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to stress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness and emotional regulation.
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Individual psychotherapy focuses on enhancing motivation and working on individual
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goals with the client in the moment, coaching involves receiving
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support from therapist during a stressful event via telephone case
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management strategies.
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Empower the client to take control of their lives.
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While a DVT consultation team provides support to those providing
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DVT to ensure their main motivated and competent while providing
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treatment to clients.
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The research article called implementation of dialectical behavior therapy in
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a day hospital setting for adolescents with eating disorders.
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Hypothesizes that using DBT while also using family behavior therapy
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would benefit eating disorder patients in the day hospital program
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by addressing the antioxidants that results in maladaptive behavior.
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They also proposed that DBT has the ability to address
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multiple psychological calm robberies.
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Various adaptations were created based on traditional DVD to describe
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specific eating disorder behaviours to use on the 24 participants
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with varying eating disorders enrolled in the day hospital program.
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Mhm. The research found that DVT may be more effective
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than FBT in the treatment of eating disorders.
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FBT focuses on setting limitations on the participants, while DBT
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emphasizes support from parents when distress is experienced by the
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patient. All in all results show that DVT integrated with
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FBT led to improved patient outcomes, bingeing and purging was
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reduced discharge weight and percentage of ideal body weight significantly
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increased throughout treatment.
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A majority of patients did not require re admission into
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the D.
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H. P.
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Program within a two year period.
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Now, how does eating disorders and behavior analysis tied together?
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Well, when paired with family behavior therapy, dialectical behavior therapy
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has been shown to be more effective.
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DBT used a step in the prompt hierarchy to model
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being supportive and calm while the participant is in distress.
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This allows the participant to observe socially significant behaviors being
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modeled while addressing emotional and mental issues and DVT through
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conversation, the participant will examine what led to the behavior
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they engaged in.
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For example, if they had a bad day at work
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that may explain their binge eating that evening from behavior
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analysts point of view, it is important to understand the
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three term contingency, identifying the antioxidant and consequence will help
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us understand the circumstances in which it has been reinforced
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or punished.
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For example, if the participant does not experience any immediate
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consequences after engaging and purging, there are more likely to
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engage in this act again.
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When the antecedent has been identified, we can begin to
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manipulate them to evoke desirable behavior.
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For example, this may look like presenting the participants with
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smaller, more frequent meals if they are suffering from bulimia,
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this may be encouraging for the individual to consume food
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on a regular basis, as they are always being presented
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with frequent portions.
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Remember Abia helps behavior professionals to understand how behavior is
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affected by the environment while also establishing and enhancing socially
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significant behaviors.
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These points are all reiterate the relevance of Abba when
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treating an eating disorder as we arrived to the conclusion
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of this presentation.
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I want to provide you all with some useful resources,
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information pertaining to warning signs.
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To look out for free webinars.
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Program referrals and counselling numbers are listed here.
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If you or someone you know is struggling, please utilize
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this information to get help.
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Thanks Thank you for your time and have a great
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