Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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good evening.
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I'm Dr Smith, and tonight I will be talking about
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ethics and more specifically, what I think is one of
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our biggest challenges in our societies.
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As we all know, unfortunately, the world has experienced a
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strange and uncertain reality in the last year caused by
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the global pandemic.
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However, it is my strongest belief that even in these
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difficult and uncertain times, we must not forget about the
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ethical responsibility the world faces.
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Despite the fact it may not be seen as relevant
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in regards to other, more pressing matters, such as businesses
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being closed down for almost a year and people are
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feeling lonely and isolated due to lockdown procedures and restrictions.
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Regardless, the topic of tonight's discussion will be China and
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its status quo on ethics and ethics responsibility.
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We all know about the economic success of China, and
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we all know it had a significant impact on the
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standard of living for the majority of its citizens.
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Along with several other nations around the globe.
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However, business ethics lags behind the economic growth in China.
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Read about this constantly via the international press or debates
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in organizations such as the World Health Organization and world
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trade organizations.
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For instance, last fall, China refused of allowing international medical
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experts to investigate the pandemics.
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Origen, as we all know, was Wuhan.
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One of the largest critics of this refusal was Australia.
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And due to their expressing their mind on the international
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front, China imposed an import ban on coal.
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As many of you probably know, Australia is the large
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world world's largest exporter of coal and have, due to
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this import than experience some troubles to uh to say
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at least.
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Additionally, this import ban has led to a standstill regarding
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numerous parties involved in the supply change.
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Another example, a more extreme one is the ongoing crimes
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against humanity in the western region of China.
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Ladies and gentlemen, what I'm talking about is the area
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known as King Young.
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Reportedly, hundreds of thousands of Muslims are being placed in
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gulags, also known as detention camps.
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Moreover, satellite surveillance suggest these camps are expanding at a
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rapid rate.
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All things considered, China is acting questionable in terms of
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ethics and has been so for quite some time bearing
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also in mind.
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Trump's presidential period has resulted in some somewhat of a
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shift from America to China as the world's leader.
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Now, with Trump out of office and newly elected a
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Biden stepping in if things will return with the newly
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elected president is yet to be decided, regardless of this
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shift, if it will go back to.
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But we have been accustomed to for such a long
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period of time, nations worldwide need to maintain their pressure
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towards China and their attitude on these topics.
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Additionally, they should follow up this by intensifying this pressure
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even further.
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If not, I worry about how the situation will proceed.
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Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to
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listen to my thoughts on this matter.
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And I hope it has been insightful and wishing you
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all a good evening.