Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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and I left them ill read.
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And today we're talking to you about management, information systems,
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data and privacy.
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First, we want to talk to you about what data
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is. Data is just basically the information that we have
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these human beings data is are date of birth, our
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names where we may lay up and education are racial
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background and why is this important?
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This information is important because it's the framework for who
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we are essentially as people.
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So it's important to have this information held close to
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our hearts because it is private and it holds its
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vulnerable if anybody else can get out there and get
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it and receive it and use it to their advantage.
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That's included an educational and medical privacy's.
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This is why we have had certain acts come up
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provided the government agencies to help us keep this information
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safe. Mhm.
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Purpose. One of those loans, can you ask what Oprah
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is ferpa is the family educational rights and privacy act
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Given to us back in 1974 and it helps to
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keep student records safe.
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And this act helps, affects students, but it also affects
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parents because they're the ones that you know, have a
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right to this information as well, challenges that we face
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today or the same as a lot of data information.
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Um, people use this information to their advantage um, so
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that they can steal information and use it to gain
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money or to have to take your identity and use
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it to their advantage and solutions that proper um, has
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right now, it was hell close to our heart is
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because it holds this information so that kids, students records
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are kept confidentially.
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Other solutions.
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Um, they have or contracts that students sign or parents
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find so that their kids can graduate college or graduate
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high school and further their further their career in education
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and get more advancements in life and what can we
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do as christians as christians?
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We can hold ourselves account accountable mom, being honest with
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each other.
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Um, while also holding ourselves accountable by not using this
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information to our advantage and not going into some type
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of, you know, cybercrime.
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The ePA is another long that we use in health
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care and the help of stands for Health Insurance Portability
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and Accountability Act, which holds us accountable as medical professionals
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to keep records safe so that we can provide the
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best public health care and well being too patients and
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their families and it affects, you know, a lot lots
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of people, you know, the entire world globally challenges that
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we face today are people who like to have accounts
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who like to try to break into um those personal
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private public records in order to find out information about
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others and try and trying to spread it.
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Other challenges, especially as christians is that when we find
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out information about a neighbor or about um a family
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or friends, we may think that it's okay to tell
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this information or related information to someone close to the
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family and the patient may not want the information to
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be shared.
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So we have to be really close about really careful
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as medical professionals if you do work in the camp
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profession and we're not to spread you know the information.
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So solutions to this is you know um signing um
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disclosures um other solutions that especially when you go to
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um medical establishments is that they make you uh they
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they help you by finding basically the contract and give
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you a hip um laws um information brochures to help
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you as the patient understand what help is and what
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it holds under there.
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um And other solutions um is.
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As a medical professional you have to just you know
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have to sign a contract or um a contract in
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order to you know work there to say that you
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will not share you know information about patients or whatever.
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You keep that confidence as a professional.
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So as christians who have to keep the information um
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you know close to our hearts but also provide you
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know the best care to patients especially as the other
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set as a medical professional and not disclose this information
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to others that it would not affect.
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So I hope you have and controlling my presentation and
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these are a couple of my references or data and
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