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![Poster image](https://videothumbcdn.prezi.com/v71aix12gqx1/thumbnail.0000000.jpg)
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Chapter 1
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Information technology is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical device
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infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic
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data. There are 4 main ages that divide up the history of information technology
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Chapter 6
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The pre-mechanical age is the age in which there were no kinds of computer systems.
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This was a very long time ago, estimated to be around 3000BC.
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*Control of fire 500000 BC *Domestication of animals 12000 BC
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*Domestication of plan 8000 BC *Ceramic 7000 BC
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The first ever calculator – the abacus was invented
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Chapter 13
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The Mechanical age developed between 1450 and 1840, the inventors began to use techniques and tools
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to create machines that will perform some tasks.
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The first general purpose computers
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Johannes Gutenberg was a German goldsmith invented the modern printing press with movable metal-type
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Chapter 19
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The electromechanical age heralded the beginnings of telecommunications as we know it today.
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The first large-scale automatic digital computer in the United States was the Harvard Mark 1 created
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by IBM in 1944. This 8ft x 50ft x 2ft big computer weighed a whopping five tons and had to be
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programmed using punch cards. Its first use was by the Manhattan Project
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Chapter 24
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The electronic age’ begins with Radio Direction Finding introduced at the start of the 20th century
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with radio beacons established to transmit signals, so that a direction-finding antenna could
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determine a bearing to a known transmitter on shore.
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ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first electronic general-purpose
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computer. It could solve a large class of numerical problems through reprogramming.
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Created by: Warlito C. Fajardo Jr. BSIT - 2nd year