![Poster image](https://videothumbcdn.prezi.com/unbph1mu-irm/thumbnail.0000000.jpg)
Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:01
Hi eyes.
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My name is Miss Garcia.
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Um, this year I'm going to be your teacher for
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first grade.
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I'm gonna be working from home so I won't be
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in the classroom for you guys to see me.
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But you'll still get to see my face and videos
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every now and then and you'll get to see faces
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from some of the other first grade teachers as well.
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You'll get to see my bit Mogi.
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Mostly my bit Emojis everywhere.
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So let me tell you guys a little bit about
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who I am.
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So I, um, have been teaching Uptime look for five
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years and all five years I've always taught first grade
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because I love for screening vote first graders.
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Um, some of the things that I like, I really
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like, um, cheese.
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It's my favorite food.
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And I really liked the movie frozen.
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I always think about frozen.
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I love all the songs and everything.
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And I love Disney, too, And, uh, this year we're
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gonna learn a lot in first grade, whether we're learning
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stuff in the classroom or whether we're learning stuff online.
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Make sure you guys, we're focusing and paying attention to
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be learning math we're gonna learn about foods that we
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should eat.
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We're gonna learn science, social studies, and we're gonna learn
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a lot about how to read.
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It's gonna be a great year, guys.
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So I sure hope that you're paying attention to all
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the online things that we're working on because they're really
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going to help you become a great first grader.
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I will see you soon.