Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Oh Since March 2000 and 18, the professional standards expected
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of registered nurses have been divided into three main areas.
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A code of conduct, a code of ethics and two
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standards of care encompassing the N s Q HSE and
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an NBA standards.
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A requirement of a registered nurse is to adhere to
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all the provisions as cash in indicates, the primary aim
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of each provision is to ensure public safety and achieve
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quality nursing practices.
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This is vital given the vulnerability of patients and the
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relative power of nurses.
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Failure to adhere to all provisions can result in the
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registration and possible convictions.
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Therefore, a registered nurse is obliged to understand each provision
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and adheres strictly whilst engaging in nursing practice.
- 01:01 - 01:04
There are eight standards established by the National Safety and
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Quality Health Service, and they said the basic performance expectations
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that consumers should expect to receive Standard two refers to
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partnering with consumers.
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I'll be focusing on 26 which states the Health Service
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organization has processes for clinicians to partner with patients and
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their substitute decision maker to plan, communicate, set goals and
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make decisions about the current and future care.
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The patient and family partnership scene was an excellent example
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of principle 2.6 in action.
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He showed patient engagement and empowerment through asking questions of
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Jim and his immediate family to ensure his recovery and
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ongoing care outside of hospital continued.
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It also showed a multidisciplinary approach by engaging a hospital
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social worker, doctors nursing manager to help set goals and
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time frames by identifying who can be part of Jim's
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care team at home.
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It is a vital importance for the patient and family
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members to be part of the care because it leads
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to better health outcomes and empowers gym and all the
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family members by helping them understand the current health conditions
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and future health risks.
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As the RN identified that Jim is now more prone
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to falls, this approach is supported by stand at 1.3
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of the Australian safety and quality framework for health care.
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It emphasizes partnered with consumers to share in decision making
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about their care and it's applicable to everybody within healthcare
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setting. Its purpose is to ensure carers organized for safety
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and it is consumer centered despite standard one and two
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applying at an organization level standard 3 to 8 cannot
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be implemented unless one and two are inactive.
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Twig identifies that it is critical to the success of
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the implementation of the N s Q.
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A Tree s standards that nurses apply all the standards
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in summary Standard 2.6 was adhered to by nursing management
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and nurses in the scene.
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As described, this approach ensures the best possible health outcomes
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for patients and underlines employments of risk assessment to be
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avoided and maintain the highest possible standards of care for
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Jim, the icy and code of ethics.
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There are four standards, and I'll be focusing on standard,
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too nurses and practice.
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Specifically, the nurse maintains a standard of personal health, such
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as the ability to to provide care is not compromised.
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In the opening scene of video, a disagreement unfolds between
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the nurse and her partner in front of their kids
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as she is being dropped off to work.
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As she walks to work, she continues to speak.
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We all know the feeling some days, the stress of
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balancing life at home and work.
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The message that I'll be focusing on from the scene
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is the importance of not allowing stress from our personal
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life to interfere with our standards, of nursing care being
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prepared for stress and the challenges in a nurse's personal
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and professional life is about mental and physical well being.
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And it's a duty reflected in standard, too.
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It is an easily overlooked standard yet integral to maintaining
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safety and better patient health outcomes.
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As tribe, it points out, there is a proven link
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between nurses making errors at work due to stress and
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burnout, with the worst case scenario leading to patient deaths.
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Nursing is already a demanding profession, as Lamont indicates, there
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is a higher degree of occupational stress associated with the
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job, and this fact adds to the importance of the
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need for nurses to maintain higher standards of health.
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It should be noted that not all stress is bad.
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There is good stress, which boosts performance and enhances our
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capacities, collaboration and sense of satisfaction.
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Bad stress or distress can be a barrier to good
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mental health and reduces performance capacity, energy focus and well
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being at work.
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Research by Cecilia indicates there is a clear link between
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stress and illness.
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Standard two requires nurses to maintain a healthy balance, both
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mentally and physically, to effectively perform their job.
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Therefore, the approach of the nurse as she walked into
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work by not allowing her argument affect her is consistent
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with the code of ethics throughout her shift, she maintained,
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because an exemplary standard of care despite some stressful moments.
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Research affirms that keeping a check on our stress levels
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and health ultimately improves patient outcome and leads to less
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errands. The registered nurses standard of practice is divided into
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seven standards relating to accountability.
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Delegation and supervision.
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Standard 6.3 states appropriately delegates aspects of practice to enrolled
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nurses and others, according to the enrolled nurses.
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Scope of Practice.
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Alison, the enrolled nurse, asked just registered nurse to administer
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an essay medication.
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In reply, the RN said she could help sign the
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drug out, but asked the Ian to administer.
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Jess did this because she was busy doing other things
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at work.
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However, any in is not allowed to administer medication.
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It is within the r N scope of work, not
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the Ian.
- 07:01 - 07:04
This is a direct breach of 6.3, because the R
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N is meant to know that it is outside the
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scope of practice of the Ian to administer medication, especially
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in S, a drug Atkin defined scope of practice in
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the following way.
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It ties professional skills, knowledge training, ethical standards and legal
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responsibilities to inform day to day decision making.
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For the nurse, the importance of understanding on scope of
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practice helps delegate correctly and promote consistent safe standards of
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care towards the patient.
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When nurses practice outside the scope of practice, it places
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patients health at risk.
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It's recommended that Jess reviews the decision making framework for
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nurses and midwifery issued by opera.
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This will help her understand the responsibilities as an RN,
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the constraints of the Ian's role and a bit of
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God to her the day to day decision making, failing
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to act within one scope of practice for result in
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not providing a reasonable standard of care.
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The END was aware of her scope of practice by
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refusing to give the medication out.
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It's likely that Jess would be found negligent and face
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disciplinary measures as well as termination of employment.
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In summary, the delegation of administering an essay Drug 20
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and is a severe failure upon the RN to understand
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the ian scope of practice.
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Therefore, a breach of standard 6.3.
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The described example shows a failure upon Jesse's behalf to
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understand the meaning of scope of practice and places the
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patient's safety at risk.
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The NMB, a code of conduct, sets the standards for
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conduct of all registered nurses.
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The code has four domains covering seven core principles.
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Code two relates to person centered practice.
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I'll be focusing on 2.3 a, which relates to informed
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consent. 2.38 states give the person adequate time to ask
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questions, make decision and refuse care.
- 09:04 - 09:07
In the video, the Ian enters the patient's room and
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asks how she is the patient suppliers.
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Don't worry about me.
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I'm okay.
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The Eden continues.
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We can do with your pain.
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The doctors have increased your dose.
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I'll be back in a second.
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The N proceeds to rush away with the decision made
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in her mind about the next course of treatment for
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the patient.
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The the Ian went on to tell the RN to
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prescribe an essay drug to the patient.
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This is an example of reaching standard 2.3 because the
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Indian did not give time for the patient to reply
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as the patient did not give consent.
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The correct procedure was shown later in the clip where
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the R and went to the patient and checked before
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administering medication.
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It may seem trivial example because the doctor had already
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authorized her pain medication.
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However, in day to day nursing practice, the nurse must
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seek consent from the patient, even if a routine on
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minor treatment, As Berger argues, informed consent strikes at the
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heart of ethical nursing practice and issues surrounding patient freedom
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to make informed decisions, the key points is seen.
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Highlights is the importance for a nurse to speak more
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slowly and wait for the patient's response and give the
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RN give the patient time to think the information through
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and have a follow up session with the R N.
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Informed consent is important because it allows the patient to
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participate in their medical care.
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In summary, the fiduciary relationship between the nurse and the
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patient requires active involvement in decision making.
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The behavior of the Ian was not in keeping with
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standard 2.38 and would have amounted to a breach, save
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for the fact that the RN returned to check on
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the patient.
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The nurse must always keep the patient at the center
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of their practice when obtaining consent in conclusion, all nurses
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must be aware of the provisions within the before mentioned
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documents. The standards are imposed by opera to ensure patient
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safety and best nursing practice.