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Levinas and Adult Health Care by Amethyst Varela and Joel Gonzalez
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We chose adult care because we feel it is a great example of needing Levinas in the work place.
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Levinas was born in 1906 into a middle-class Litvak family in Kaunas, in present-day Lithuania.
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Levinas began his philosophical studies at the University of Strasbourg in 1923.
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He became a naturalized French citizen and when France declared war on Germany, he reported to duty.
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He began writing as a prisoner of war and that inspired his book De l'Existence à l'Existant.
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Chapter 7
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His whole family died in the Holocaust and these experiences made levinas aware of “the other”.
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Levinas is all about seeing “the other” (person in front of you) in any situation.
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He believes that one should always be ethical, we should focus on the things that are in front of us
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and eventually the problems we feel are far can start being resolved.
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Chapter 12
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“...stories almost brought me to tears… at the end of the day we’re all human, and we all have
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thoughts and feelings… to hear somebody’s experience…it’s powerful. It’s gets right to the heart,”.
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It is very evident that in this quote hearing the stories, thoughts, and feelings of the person in
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front of you will open up a portal to a new version of the person, and make one realize that the
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person in front of them is more than an object, but a human being that feels,
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and this is one lesson levinas is all about.
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If society would apply this rule of Levinas Ethics when listening to the one in front of them,
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especially in the field of adult health care, nurses would really connect to their patients
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on a personal level and help them with their needs not only physically but mentally and emotionally.
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Chapter 22
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Participants in this study described “getting to know the person better”
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and “seeing another side of the person” resulting from watching the digital stories.
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If Levinas belief was inserted into the adult health care system it would help create stronger bonds
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in the workplace and remind people that people have stories beneath the physical surface that we see
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This would also create a much more trustworthy and homey environment,
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and wouldn't make people dread the adult health care experience.
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Chapter 29
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They described a result of watching these stories as having them remember
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or rediscover, why they entered their chosen field in the first place.
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Having the people in the adult healthcare industry get back to the root of why they chose the career
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they did, really helped the nurses and staff see the humane side of what they were doing.
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If more adult health care facilities found this Levinas tactic,
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it would make the environment more inclusive, empathetic, caring, and kind.
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Chapter 36