Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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My name is Lauren Malian,
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and I'm the musical director and founder here at Line Music.
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My Music is an L,
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A based music school that provides in home and virtual music lessons.
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I don't know if you've ever heard this story.
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I wish I'd continue music lessons when I was a kid,
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but I just didn't connect with my teacher or I didn't like the songs I was learning.
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So I quit.
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We want to put an end to this story.
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We are a team of musicians who share a passion
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for teaching music in a fun and engaging way.
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Our approach is to use a combination of a method book to build a strong foundation,
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as well as mixing fun songs that the student is excited to play.
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The line music method is designed to nurture the student's unique musical
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journey and inspire a love of music that will last a lifetime.
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We teach a whole variety of instruments. You can see the list here.
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If you don't see what you're looking for, I still invite you to reach out.
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There's a good chance that one of our teachers does teach it.
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We teach kids of all ages from 4-99.
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I believe I started my lessons at 3.5, so it is possible as well. Um, case by case
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that we started in sooner.
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I'd like to speak about our community. Here at line music,
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you get a little bit more than just the private lesson with your teacher.
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We have the line music practice club.
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Our Practice Club is an optional but highly recommended
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zoom meeting that occurs every other Saturday at noon,
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one of our teachers hosts.
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We play fun and educational musical games,
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and students are given the opportunity to demonstrate what they've been learning.
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I love this because normally, in a recital situation,
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you're sharing something that's finished and polished,
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and I think there's a lot of value to having
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a safe and encouraging place to show up and share.
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Maybe you're learning piano,
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and you've only learned the first three lines of the peace with your right hand,
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for example,
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and so people can cheer for you and encourage you to
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learn the left hand and show up at the next practice club
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and just put the battery in your back.
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We also have our recital,
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our school recital will be held at the end of the
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semester will be reaching out closer to with more details,
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but just want to give everyone a heads up so they can plan on participating.
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just say hello, Hello. I don't mind music dot com This is our general inquiry. Email.
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Um, Step one. We have our new student inquiries fill out a form
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to get their info and Step two.
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We book an introductory lesson with one of our teachers.
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This introductory lesson is billed as a single lesson and paid in advance.
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The rates are below,
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And after this lesson, if it's we check in with the family and the teacher,
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and if it's a good fit for both, then we offer a 16 lesson semester package.
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Let's talk about that now. The line music spring semester 2022.
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So this includes 16 private lessons to be
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used anytime between January one and May 31,
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um, it includes the live music practice club that I was talking about,
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as well as the recital at the end of the semester.
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For this semester package.
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There's a few different tiers, and the main variable is the lesson length.
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So the virtuoso is the 60 minutes.
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The protege is the 45 minutes, and the prelude is the 30 minutes.
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We do mention that one's virtual only unless it's
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used in combination with any of the lesson packages.
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So, for example, our teachers have a 45 minute,
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um less than minimum to arrive at your home.
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So If you have multiple siblings and maybe one
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sibling is going to take a 30 minute lesson,
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followed by another sibling taking a 30 minute lesson, that's totally fine.
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Tuition can be paid in full or in a payment plan of equal monthly installments,
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so just want to note here.
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Um, if choosing the payment plan option,
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it will be set up on auto pay using our my music staff student portal with
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recurring student recurring payments rather scheduled for either
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the first or the 15th of each month
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and also to note the first payment is due
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before the first lesson of the semester occurs.
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We're here to help, so you have my email there.
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Lauren at line music dot com and Madeline at line music dot com,
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Our director of operations and
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little shadow to Madeline for helping me create this presentation to make it
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as clear as possible for you
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for all scheduling in cancelation.
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Um, if you're wondering how to do this,
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all you have to do is reach out to scheduling at lion music dot com.
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For all of your scheduling needs, and we do have a cancelation policy,
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we ask that a minimum of 24 hours notice
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must be given to scheduling outline music dot com
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For any requests.
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If not, the Miss Lesson will be counted as one of the 16 lessons in your package,
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as we have reserved this lesson time for you in our calendar.
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So thank you in advance for your understanding on this one.
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Here we have the Covid Protocol.
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Any cancelation requests related to a covid concerns?
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So potential exposure Experiencing covid symptoms.
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We will avoid our cancelation policy for this.
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Also, we do have a covid waiver.
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It must be signed by the family before the first in person lesson.
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Um, in the lesson, we ask that our students and teachers wear a mask,
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wash hands frequently and ideally have the lesson and open
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fresh air so either by an open window or outdoors,
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if possible.
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I just want to make sure we all do our part to keep both our students and teachers safe
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For attendance. There are 21 calendar weeks between January one and May 31.
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This means if a student has perfect attendance,
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they could potentially finish their 16 lessons as early as April 18th.
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We did this on purpose to create some wiggle room for holidays and sick days.
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So if you miss a week, don't worry.
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We'll still have plenty of time to get your
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16 lessons in before the end of the semester.
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If all 16 lessons are not completed by May 31, they do expire.
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So we'll be working together with you to make sure we get them all in.
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I wanted to address some frequently asked questions.
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Um, how do I know how far along I am into my 16 lessons?
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So there's two ways you can either visit the student portal
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and check for yourself under the lessons and attendants tab.
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Or you can just reach out to scheduling.
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And we are tracking the lessons weekly and will happily provide you with the answer.
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What if you finish the 16 lessons early and want to add more.
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We will reach out to you as you approach the last lesson of your package and offer
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an extension for as many lessons as you wish to add before the end of the semester.
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What happens if my primary teacher is away?
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We will offer a special guest teacher in your primary teacher's absence.
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Our teachers keep lesson notes in the student portal in order to
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seamlessly work as a team so the student doesn't miss a beat.
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It can be add. It can be an added benefit to receive a fresh perspective.
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I can personally attest to this sentiment.
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I studied from a world class violinist in Toronto, Canada.
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When I was growing up, she traveled the world playing gigs,
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and I received so much value from being able to take from her and not
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miss a lesson when she was away by taking from one of her teachers.
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So I speak from first, uh,
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and experience.
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Can I take lessons for a few different instruments at once? Absolutely.
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One of the perks of working with us is
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that many of our teachers are multi instrumentalists.
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We have tons of students that take combinations of things
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so feel free to split up the lesson time.
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We are happy to be creative here.
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Why do you in person? Lessons start at 45 minutes.
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there are a few reasons the first one is because we believe it's
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the perfect amount of time for most kids that are starting out.
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and the second reason is because our teachers are commuting to
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your home and for anyone that's ever traveled in L.
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A. I think you can understand.
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We just prefer that the teacher is not driving longer than the lesson,
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like if possible,
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a few billing questions here, Get this one a lot. I missed some lessons last month.
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Why are you not adjusting my next monthly invoice?
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So if you are on a payment plan,
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you will be invoiced on the first or the
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15th of each month for equal monthly installments.
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These are not tied to when the lessons occur,
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So you are again committing to 16 lessons in five months,
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and your payments and the payment plan are an equal number.
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They're not going to change
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what type of payment methods do you accept, So if you're paying in full,
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you have a few options.
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Here we have the credit card,
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which either you can do in the student portal or by clicking the link in the invoice.
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You have cell, the email is listed there.
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Or Venmo just make sure to search under businesses.
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Um, if you're selecting the payment plan, however, you must use auto pay.
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This is new this semester, so I'm just going to highlight this one.
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You must use auto pay on the my music staff. Student portal.
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So, to set this up,
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you can either do it yourself and add
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your credit card information directly on the portal.
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Or if you prefer, we can send a secure form via hello sign and we can do it for you.
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Um, why can't I just pay for lessons as we go?
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Well, currently, we have 85 plus weekly lessons happening,
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so there's a lot of moving parts, and, um,
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we we actually pay our teachers out every single Sunday
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night for the lessons they taught the previous week.
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So because we are a small school, we just can't afford to fall behind.
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So I appreciate you understanding this and seeing why it is simpler for everyone.
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We have more energy to focus on the most important things. Like our lessons.
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A few bookmarks here.
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So we have our portal,
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which you've heard me talk about many times throughout this talk.
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Um, that's where you access the lesson notes,
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calendar billing and complete lesson history.
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If you don't already have access to this, no worries.
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Just reach out to myself for Madeline.
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We'll send you the log in.
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And, um,
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it's a It's a really great way to connect and have access to everything that we see.
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Uh, the other emails here, of course. Our general inquiry.
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Hello at line music dot com
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Scheduling outline music dot com building at my music dot com Can you tell?
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We want to make it easy?
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Um, and then, of course, Lauren and Madeline at line music dot com.
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So just keep those handy, and that does bring us to the end of this presentation.
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I hope that you found it helpful and that it's created
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some clarity as to how we work in our school.
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So I'm just so excited for this next semester. I'm feeling optimistic.
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It's going to be the best one yet, and I just cannot wait to work with all these kids and
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and to see what unfolds.
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So, um, thank you for being here and feel free to reach out if I missed anything.
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And we cannot wait to work with you this semester
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