Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Prezi on the national early warning score or new wth
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developed by the medicine program.
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What is news news reliably detects deterioration in adults, triggering
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assessment treatment, an escalation of care where appropriate.
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Follow along the short presentation toe.
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Learn more about this tool.
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There have been at least 15 critical incidents at ST
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Barnabus Hospital in the past three years, or patient deterioration
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may not have been recognized or acted on in a
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timely manner, and the patient was harmed or died.
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News was first produced in 2012.
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It advocates a system to standardize the assessment and response
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to signs of patient deterioration Taking into account six simple
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physiological parameters.
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Respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, systolic, blood pressure, pulse rate, level
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of consciousness temperature.
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The new score produces an escalated response, such as increasing
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the frequency of vital signs up to urgent review by
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a critical care training team.
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The news is not a substitute for competent clinical judgment.
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Any concern about a patient's clinical condition identified by the
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nurse, patient, family member or other health care team member
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should prompt an urgent clinical review.
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Irrespective of the news, a score of 1 to 3
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is allocated thio each vital sign, reflecting how acutely each
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parameter varies from the norm.
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After taking vital signs, you will record the score for
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each value.
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When recording the oxygen saturation, you will see there are
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two scales.
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Saturation scale.
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One is used for the majority of patients saturation skilled
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to Should Onley be used when a clinical decision by
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an authorized prescriber has been made to target oxygen saturation
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of 88 to 92% When assessing the level of consciousness,
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any deviation from alert is a score of three Onley.
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If the change in consciousness differs from their baseline CVP,
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you stands for confusion, response to voice response to pain
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or unresponsive.
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If a baseline parameter triggers a news activation, document the
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baseline vital sign in the progress notes within E.
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P. R.
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And consider requesting a physician order.
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Add up the scores and document the final news total
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score at the bottom of the vital signs flow sheet
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in the A diff in the additional information box type
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in news equals and the appropriate total score along with
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your plan for reassessment.
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If applicable, determine the clinical response trigger based off of
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the new score.
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For example, a new score of 1 to 4 would
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increase your frequency of monitoring to a minimum of every
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4 to 6 hours.
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The clinical response would be to assess and reassess the
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patient and the nurse to decide if if increased frequency
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of monitoring and or escalation of clinical care is required.
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A score of three in a single parameter would increase
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the frequency of monitored during toe a minimum of one
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hour. The nurse would then inform the medical team caring
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for the patient who will review and decide whether escalation
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of care is necessary.
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A total score of five or more would trigger the
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urgent response threshold.
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The vital signs would be re assessed at a minimum
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of everyone.
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Our and the nurse would urgently inform the medical team
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caring for the patient, ongoing assessment and reassessment of the
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patient status, along with urgent assessment by a clinician and
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the team to discuss a need for clinical care in
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an environment with higher level of care or increased monitoring
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capabilities. A total score of seven or more would activate
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the emergency response threshold.
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Continuous monitoring the vital signs would be done on the
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nurse would immediately inform the medical team caring for the
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patient. As for the medical escalation protocol if cold blue
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criteria met, call a code blue.
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Consider consultation with intensive care unit.
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Remember, news is not a substitute for your clinical judgment.
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Any concern about a patient's clinical condition should be escalated
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irrespective of the news.
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Ensure documentation of the clinical response is done in an
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i p n document monitoring frequency.
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An escalation of the care in the additional information section
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of the Vital Signs Records follow an Esper template to
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communicate and document in an i p.
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N. You may wish to import the DOT news acronym
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Expansion from Steve Klemas.
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Escalation of a patient's condition can occur at any time
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during care.
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Escalation should include your CRN or charge nurse and the
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medical team carrying for the patient.
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Follow your unit Escalation Protocol found on your perspective unit
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Thank you for following along this Prezi If you have
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any further questions or wish to discuss, please contact your
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units continuing education instructor.
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Complete the validation quiz and return to your educator Thanks
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and have a great day