Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, my name is Bianca Martinez.
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And today I will be talking about one aspect of Bronfenbrenner, hers,
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ecological systems theory.
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So today I will be talking exactly
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on the X system,
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so what is it?
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Ah it is the third level of the ecological
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theory that involves formal and informal social structures.
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So these social institutions affect the child and directly a few examples
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would be
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the neighborhood
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that one grows up in. Lives in
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parents, workplace,
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parents, friends,
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mass media
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extended family,
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the school board of education,
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social services,
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health care
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and the legal system.
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So now I will share a personal experience regarding the exorcist
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story time.
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So my story
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connecting to the exhaust system begins
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me being a high school senior.
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I was about 16, going on 17
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and I was getting ready to
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So this means college and this means getting acceptance
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and getting rejections and during this time I did get
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both, but I also did get accepted to a school that I was
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very excited to go to. Um
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at the time
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I was very
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sure that my parents were going to help me financially and
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I had no concept of really how any of this works.
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I didn't know that this university was going to be so much,
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I knew it was a private university, but I
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I didn't have any idea how much
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of a burden it would be. Um
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but during this time
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things we're doing
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financially, my family was doing pretty great. My dad
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has always been the breadwinner of our family
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and he has always
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worked his way up. So he had been working for a company for about
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16 years and in this company he had
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made his way up
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you know promotions after promotions and he always assured me that
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college would be something he would help me with
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a lot happened. So
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one day my dad came from work and he sat down and talked to us as a family
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and this was a very serious
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He had
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sat down and told us that he had committed a crime at work.
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don't not sure if I will go really into detail about
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the crime exactly, but involves
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anyway, so my dad had kind of prepped
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my brother and I and my mom
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for what was to happen for what was to come
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because he knew that he was under investigation. So there was a
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private investigator
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um outside of our house and my dad was well aware of it.
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So you let us know that that's what was happening and he had an idea that
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he was
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going to get
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and he did um
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a little bit after he got fired um
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everything kind of just fell into a
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domino effect.
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So he
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went to prison for a day.
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I still remember the day
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I was getting ready to go to work and
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my dad had called me and
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you said that he had got arrested and
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um I was his one call,
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so being the older sister,
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I I really stepped up their um
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I did everything my dad told me to do,
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I didn't want to
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put that stress on my mother that was at work at that time.
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And so I called my aunt,
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we discussed what was going to happen and
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and we already had
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the money prepared.
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I remember that night just
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going through
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are safe and just counting all the money that we were going to use to bail amount.
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Me and my mother were just there
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such a weird time.
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So after my dad got out of jail um
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he got put into house arrest
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and he was
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in house arrest for about a year.
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And during that time he was also not working.
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So um
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luckily my dad has always been very financially savvy.
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So yeah we had we had a decent amount of money saved but there was still that that fear,
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that financial fear
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and even during that time I just felt like I was
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my life had just completely changed.
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started college a little bit later
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I didn't directly go to school. I
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right after high school,
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I waited a year, I started a community college
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and then from then on I spent a lot of years there and finally transferred to S. F. S. U.
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uh learning about
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this ecological system theory,
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I was able to relate a lot of things that happened in my life
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this one
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it was something that I kind of
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hit under
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a mad, but
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uh yeah, this is something that
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I didn't know it was going to affect me so much
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ever since, that I found it really difficult to financially depend on my
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in regards to school,
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I think it's something that I still haven't really discussed to him,
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because after that I just
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have been paying for school on my own,
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I have been paying for all of my finances in community college, which isn't so much,
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and at Sfs,
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you have been just doing all that on my own
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and I feel like because of all of this that happened
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a kind of
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created this fear
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as far as asking
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to depend
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on someone financially,
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because it made me feel like there was some burden
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um I felt like school during that time it was a burden,
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I had to just put it to the side
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and pretend that it wasn't something that was something that
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you know,
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something not important when in reality it was very, very important to me,
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but also there was so much chaos going on in my life that how could I ask my father
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for help
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during this time. So
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yeah, I think it's something that definitely
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affected my development.
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Yeah, that is the end of my story,
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thank you for listening