Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:02
Hello, my love, you boys and girls.
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How are you doing?
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In today's English lesson, we're going to start a new
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story. The title is a Green Kids Guide to Watering
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Plants. So from the title off the story, what do
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you think this the kind of story is?
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Is it like a realistic fiction or its informational text
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watering plants?
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It's informational texts on this story.
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We're going to learn some facts and some information about
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planting trees, planting flowers and planting all other kinds of
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plants. But before we start with the story, we need
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to learn some new vocabulary works.
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The first vocabulary word is and reach.
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Have you ever heard of this word?
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Let's look at the pictures.
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What is this man doing?
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He's putting the books on the shelves.
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He has three shelves, and here he is trying to
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put all some of the books on the first shelves,
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some off the books in the second, some off the
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books in the third.
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So he's trying to put the books in order in
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a neat way, right?
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How about this picture?
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They're trying to organize the socks or the pictures in
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diff in six baskets in each basket has a certain
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color. So they're trying to arrange or put the socks
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in according to their okay, While in this picture, the
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lady is trying to arrange the close look at her.
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She's folding the sweater and look at the basket.
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It's full of clothes, but they're all organized.
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They're all put in a neat way.
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So this is what we mean by a range to
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put things in a need and attractive way.
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The other word is moist.
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What is moist?
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Look at this picture.
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It's stand, but it's sand with what's It's sand with
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water so the sand is wet.
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It's mud.
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Now it's moist.
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Yeah, look at this leaf.
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There are drops of water, so it's not dry.
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It's moist or it's wet.
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Same thing to the ground.
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Over here.
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The ground is wet because it's training.
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So moist means wet.
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The next word is soggy.
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Look at this man.
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It's raining and he doesn't happen.
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Umbrella. His clothes are what or their soggy same thing
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to this poor dog.
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Poor puppy.
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It's raining and he doesn't have a shelter.
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It's raining on him.
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He's sake.
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Same thing to this piece of bread it fell.
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It dropped.
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It fell in the water.
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Now it's soggy, Which means what?
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It's soft.
- 04:04 - 04:07
The last word is a certain place.
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What do we mean by a certain place?
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Just like you boys and girls.
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When you take your lesson, you have a certain place
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to sit.
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Right. You have your study station.
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This is a certain area, a certain corner for you.
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Same thing when we want to plant.
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We want to find a certain place, a specific place
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to plant our seeds.
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We need to make sure that it's the ground is
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what? And it's there is sunlight, so we need to
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choose our place carefully.
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Look at this there.
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They have a certain place to put their seed.
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Li To put their plant in a certain place means
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where now who can tell where is the best place
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for planting?
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Where is it?
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Is it in the mountains or in the plains?
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Think about this question and reply back to me by