Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi everyone Dr Jamie klein with the Eye here.
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Today, I want to talk about achey Breaky Heart, The
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song, the# one hit and now the Webinar.
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So where did this song originate?
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This song was originally written by a gentleman named Don
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Ventress in 1990.
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It was recorded by the Marcy Brothers in 1991.
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You may be asking yourself who are the Marcy brothers?
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That's a great question for they don't show up on
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Spotify, where we heard of achey Breaky Heart is from
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Billy Ray Cyrus.
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He got a hold of this song in March of
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1992 And by July 1992 it became a# four
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hit on the Billboard Top 100.
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It said that he made over $40 million dollars in
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one year just on this song.
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So what made Billy Ray Cyrus the success and the
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Marcy Brothers a failure.
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I mean, after all, it was the same song.
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I'm sure there's several factors, but what stands out to
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me is the feeling you get seen Billy Ray.
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Look at the picture, it has good looks, charming smile,
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plays the guitar, bad boy persona with that cut off
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shirt. So how does this fit into veterinary medicine?
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I'm glad you asked.
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On May 11 From 7- nine p.m. We'll be
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hosting dr Sonja Gordon?
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From texas A.
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And M.
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She's on the advisory board of the cardiac education group
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and has robust knowledge on diagnosing staging and treating dogs
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with valvular disease when our patients feel better with proper
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cardiac medications including that maiden, it makes the owners and
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our veterinary team feel better too.
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Her presentation titled Achy Breaky Heart Has been a#
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one hit for Veterinarians.
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Whether you're a Billy Ray Cyrus fan or not, I
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have no doubt you'll enjoy Dr Gordon's Webinar Again.
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Please join us 79 pm on May 11 for a
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great presentation.
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Hope to see you then.